
Would Ismail Hanyeh make a good first President of a liberated Palestine?

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Totally free of zionist influence,from the river to the sea. Opinions?




  1. No, he is a radical extremist that does not want peace and is agianst a two state solution. He would just keep the conflict going by attacking Israel until he gets 100% of the land. He also does not want Palestine to be a democracy but a theocratic police state. I think they made the right choice choosing a responsible and moderate leader like Abbas. Just look at how Hamas's leadership has turned Gaza into a dump by constantly provoking more war with Israel and rejecting peace plans while Abbas's leadership in the West Bank is enjoying relative stability while making progress into becoming a palestinian nation.

  2. no he wouldn't. he would s***w the new state if it ever exists with his arrogant policies

  3. I would think so,assuming he developed a more or less secular government. He is a strong leader,something Palestine needs.  

  4. Yes, most definitely!

    I like big strong men!

  5. yeah, cause arab palestinians have done such a great job governing themselves, huh? you want the whole region to look like gaza? lol, what a cesspool.  

  6. There's an old Woody Guthrie song easily adapted to my answer,which is yes. It goes like this:

    I voted for him lots of time and I'd vote for him again

    He tried to find an honest job

    for every idle man

    His world was lucky

    to see him born

    I think it's spelled Haniyah. He is a remarkable man,to think of how much he has accomplished with so few resources to work with.

  7. I don't think there will ever ne a "LIBERATED" abything, but yes as a president, he is the right man.

  8. A strong man like himself would make a great President. He is a true leader and a real Imam

  9. I think he would do an outstanding job governing Palestine - all of it,as defined by the borders of the Palestine Mandate. He is a remarkable and gifted leader. Just compare him to a bug like Olmert.  


    Will he stop this?

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