
Would Israel as we know be in existance if the Arabs had not expelled/nudged/removed the Mizrahim from midst?

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3 Million Israelis are descended from the descendants of those the Arabs Expelled (About half of Israel's Jewish Population).




  1. No and it also wouldn't exist if the Jewish Agency and its leaders hadn't sacrificed their fellow Jews.

  2. Hey, a strong military needs cheap labor right?.......

  3. Well, Mizrahim were treated poorly by Arab nations so no it wouldn't have played out quite that way I think had they been treated nicer. Mizrahim really provided alot of momentum to the establishing modern state of Israel. I think that was one motivating factor (Arab treatment towards Jews) but not the only factor, and that is was joint effort by Mizrahim and Ashkenazim to establish the modern state of Israel as:

    "Zionism seeks for the Jewish people a publicly recognized legally secured homeland." -Herzl

    Mizrahim were very strong supporters of the Israel state and early on, in opposition to Ashekanzim who did not offer majority  support early on for the establishment of modern State of Israel.  So someone will have to explain to me why Ashekanzim, who were not early majority supporters, got "scapegoated for this" when it was actually Mizrahim and some Ashkenazim that early on mutually willed it to happen!  I know I know, propaganda, nvm you don't have to explain it to me.

    These are parts that Moroccan Mizrahim played in the establishement of Israel's modern identity:

    1866 – Moroccan Jews establish neighborhood outside Jerusalem’s Old City walls and build two Synagogues near Western Wall.

    1883 – Levi Cohen starts publishing the Reveil du Maroc newspaper in Tangier.

    1884-1888 – 307 Jews murdered over four years by Muslims, yet no Muslims put on trial.

    1897 – Alliance Israelite school opens in Casablanca.

    1897 – Moroccan rabbis, in contrast to most Ashkenazi rabbis, SUPPORT First Zionist Congress in Basel.

    1900 – Jews in Tetuan and Essaouira establish Zionist organizations (Shivat Zion and Sha’arei Zion)

    1903 – 40 Jews killed by Muslims during riots in Taza. More killed in Settat.

    1903 – New weekly Jewish journal Le Moghrebi launched in Judeo-Arabic and French.

    1907 – In Casablanca, 30 Jews killed, 200 women, girls and boys abducted, raped, then ransomed.

    1909 – Hivat Zion (Lovers of Zion) organization established in Fez.

  4. You figure out the numbers of  Mizrahim in Israel in 1947- 48 and you will have the answer.

    The 3 million you are talking about are today's numbers.

  5. Yes but it would be very different.  Mizrahim are almost all hardcore Zionists and are against compromise

  6. No

    The Mizrahim have contributed more than their fare share to Israeli culture ,food, music etc

  7. Actually their descendants in Israel today are around 3.6 million.

    There are at least another million or 2 outside of Israel since not all of the refugees settled in Israel.

    It would not have been the same, the Mizrahim are part of the beautiful culture and they had a part in  making Israel what it is today, they are truly connected to this land physically and spiritually.

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