
Would It Be Difficult To Make 20k A Year While In College?

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What kind of job that wouldn't get in the way of your college studies can you make at least 20k a year? I'm talking about after taxes and all.




  1. Yes.  I had a part time job as a Student Lab Tech working for the US Dept of Agriculture whan I was in school 20 years ago.  I made 20 K.  

    They recruited for the applicants tothe job at school, I applied and i got the job.  I set my own hours.  As a student I could work of max of 20 hours a week during Fall and Spring, but I worked a full 40 hours every summer.

  2. College is much different then high school... in that classes (mine anyways) are only 1.5 to 3 hours long, somtimes thats all you have

    If you have a full course load, don not expect to be working more then 2 maybe 3 at the most days a week, cause there is ALOT of reading and writing to do.

    If you do not have a full course load it can be easier, if you have afternoon classes find a morning job that will force you to wake up earlier to make use of the day then go to classes and the evening have for reading... also talk with wmployers make sure they have felxable schedules that will allow you to switch or book time off if you get over stressed and during exams.... depending on your course you make only have school till April, or May, so work as much as you can and save as much as you can during the summer to help you though the tight times....

    20 k probably not aim for 15 k maybe all depends onhow hard of a worker you are

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