
Would It Be Wrong To Charge My Sister For Babysitting her Son?

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I took the day off to lend my car to my mom for a very important matter. I planned to relax at home. Now my sister wants me to babysit my 2 yr. old nephew and I don't really feel like it. I'll probably end up doing it, she's trying to save on a babysitter (she has money though), would it be wrong to charge her. I don't really want to make money off my nephew, but I don't want to be taken advantage of either.




  1. its your family so stfu and stop being so selfish

  2. I pay my sister's for taking of my kids... If I don't have any cash I buy them food for the house.. That's just how we were bought up, it's called appreciation... is the 8hrs for the day or the week????

    If it's for the day ask her for a raise if it's cpl of hrs a week then ask her for @ least $20-$25 for your effort and time..

  3. Its not wrong to charge her but $10 for 8 hours is a little cheap. As her for more.  

  4. she is trying to take advantage of you and not paying a real babysitter i think you should charge

  5. $10 for 8 hours is almost insulting to you. Assuming that you are an adult, what the h**l is $10 for an entire day going to help you with? Tell her honestly that you love her and your nephew but you were planning on having a day for yourself to relax but if she really need you to babysit, then you will but you would like for it to be worth your while. If asking her to pay you a flat amount for the day or a $ per hour rate seems weird since she is family, you should just ask her to get you a gift certificate to a spa or a nail salon or something so you can use it to pamper yourself another day.  

  6. I dont think its the least bit wrong.Its not your kid. She made the kid and kids cost money.Sounds to me like she doesnt value your time much.I would say 10 bucks is your 1 time sister discount. Then provide $10 worth of effortless automated sitter service. Just use the greatness of tv and play some dvds of  stupid twisted childrens cartoons like tele tubies or pokemon that stuff is full of subleminal messages designed to target the attentions of two year olds. Just teach them how to use the player give them a stack of dvds and tell them they win toys and candy if they wacth them all. Provide plenty of juice and snacks then lock the door. I used to hang a cow bell on the handle to avoid uneeded check ups.then you can relax. Manipulation is how smart babbysitters do it. If she finds out and complains about it tell here you would be happy to upgrade her to platinum service for 10 per hour plus surcharges. she will either pay or cancel the service. you win either way

  7. lol i know how u feel lol its hard to say mabe just do it for awhile then if she starts doing it often and she knows she taking advantage of u then tell her  

  8. family or not

    do it once & she will keep knocking on your door

    Help your family whenver possible, but dont let them walk over you.

    $10 for 8 hours is not enough

    thats less than she would pay a teenage babystitter for a few hours

    dont charge too much, but dont let her get away with that.

    charge her $25.00 + expences

    if you take the $10.00 she will not leave you alone

    You would be the cheapest babysitter in town, why would she find someone else.  there would be no reason too.  later on, if you get tired of it and raise your wages, she will just get angry.  better to charge her a pretty hefty fee now.

    It would also give her incentive to find another babysitter for emergencies & special circumstances.

    as much as you love your nephew, you cant watch him everyday you have off.  As his mom, she needs to make arrangments.

  9. Just tell her that you have plans. $10 seems kind of insulting. If she has the money there is no reason he should not go with his regular babysitter.

  10. i babysit my 8yr. old nephew for $20 a day. its not a bad thing to do. if you need the cashh do it.

  11. I think it depends on how often you watch her nephew for free.  Personally, having a child, I think family should help out here and there without holding out there hand for money.  You should want to spend time with you nephew without asking for money.  If you don't want to watch him, you simply tell her you have things you need to do.  If she's constantly asking you to watch her child, then it's up to you if you want to be compensated for it.  

  12. I'd ask for $20. Because you're family, you can't ask for too much, but it is for 8 hours. You should at least get two bucks an hour.

  13. no it is not wrong and i would ask her for at least $20 , he is two and you will have to change diapers and all .... so ask her for twenty!  

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