
Would Jesus be a Democrat or Republican?

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Why or why not? And who would he vote for this election?

Oh course this is just opinion but people always say "what would Jesus do?" Do we really know what he would do? Thoughts please. This is a two part question and I am really interested in hearing not only opinions but the reasoning behind them.




  1. He would not vote for anyone. He was born in Bethlehem, Israel and therefore would not be in their constituency.

  2. He is the Son of God, that's who he is.  Get a grip

  3. Neither. He wouldn't vote. Based on the assumption that jebus is both God and son of God...he would not vote. He'd only answer to his dad.

  4. I think he would say "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

  5. Jesus cared for and about the poor. He would be considered a radical by most. Jesus would definitely be a Democrat. I bet that he would be put off by Evangelical Christians as well.

  6. My brain hurts just thinking about it.

  7. Jesus said that He came to give good news to the poor. He would be portrayed as a far out liberal, out of touch with the mainstream. Pretty much like He was 2000 years ago....

  8. Well, unlike everyone else on here, I'll actually take a stand and give an answer.  Because Jesus was helping everyone all the time he would be a democrat.

  9. Oh please, you are a dumbfounded idiot.

  10. If jesus were real, he wouldn't be either. He'd want us to stop worrying over politics, there are much worse things we have to change like environment and how we treat OTHER beings on this planet.

  11. I am a Democrat and so naturally, I think he would be a Democrat. Democrat are very concerned about health care,  the Democrats are concerned about taking care of the poor and disadvantaged in this economic downturn. He also would probably be opposed to the war in Iraq, as are most Democrats. I think he'd be opposed to most wars, I think he even would have been opposed to the Crusades, but that's just my opinion.

    On the other hand, I know several Fundamentalist Christians who are TOTALLY sure that not only is he on their side, but some might even tell a Democrat he or she can not be a Christian and Democrat.

    It mostly boils down to the abortion issue and for some, the fact Democrats may be slightly more in favor of allowing g*y Marriage.

    But as for whom Jesus would vote for, he was on the road a lot during his public life. He might not have gotten back to Nazareth that often. But personally I feel he would be a Democrat.

  12. Jesus:  "Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who would borrow from you."

    Republican response:  "Jesus favors more government handouts to welfare cheats."

    Jesus:  "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Republican response:  "Jesus is soft on crime."

    Jesus:  "Render under Ceaser what is Ceaser's."

    Republican response:  "Jesus will raise your taxes."

    Jesus:  "Do not resist one who is evil, but if anyone strikes you one the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

    Republican response:  

    Jesus --

    Wrong on social services.

    Wrong on crime.

    Wrong on defense.

    Wrong for America.

    I'm John McCain, and I approve this message.

  13. I think Jesus would be an independent.

  14. Let's see..

    Democrats have worked for years to erase him from public view.  I'm sure that wouldn't make him happy.

    Then there's the differing views on helping people..

    When a Democrat sees somebody in need, their first response is "I should go protest until somebody helps that guy!"

    When a Republican sees somebody in need, their first response is "I should help that guy."

  15. I would think Jesus would be a bit disappointed in both parties.  

    While I can think he would appreciate Democrats desire to help others, I'm completely unsure if he would FORCE others into a position to do so (ie having the Federal Government aim a loaded gun at people saying YOU WILL PAY OR ELSE). I'm also not sure he would give Democrats a free pass on abortion, taking prayer out of school, taking down the ten commandments out of schools / public buildings, & generally trying to erase Christianity & God.

    By the same token, I'm not sure he would be happy with the neo-cons and the speed in which they kill people as a matter of public policy (including the death penalty).  He also wouldn't be happy with the big business element of the Republican Party.  I would imagine that he wouldn't mind a Government where INDIVIDUALS make their own decisions about charity work (which is why Republicans give more than Democrats).

  16. Neither. Since Jesus was born in Bethlehem /  Israel and He has "questionable" magical abilities and wears a white robe. He would be seen as a "Terrorist" and an immediate threat to the US.We would lie and say he is a weapon of mass destruction created with help of the Chinese/Korean/Russian Government Experimental Cloning methods. We send our troops, Kill thousands of people including our own, Tell the american public.. This is a justified war and it's GODs Will to destroy the threat, who keeps sending us videos of himself in a cave claiming to be God's son,  (he just wants to talk to us). Yeah..  That's my take on it.  

  17. I dont know about that......but if he is coming, better look busy!

  18. He would laugh at our political conventions  

  19. Jesus if he's smart is a democrat

  20. Jesus was a liberal.  

    He never had money or possessions.  

    He just went around talking to people.  

    If Conservatives saw Him walking down the street, they'd pretend not to notice him.

  21. all of the Repubs say he is speaking to them and has told them what to do

    all of the Dems want him and his father off the Pledge and Money you tell me

  22. Jesus was a liberal.

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