
Would John Carpenters The Thing make your top 5 list of all time best horror movies? of not, top ten?

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Would John Carpenters The Thing make your top 5 list of all time best horror movies? of not, top ten?




  1. Not Top 5, but yes probably in the Top Ten or so



    The Exorcist

    The Shining

    Texas Chain Saw Massacre

    The Omen

    Rosemary's Baby

    Night of the Living Dead

    The Thing



  2. No, Carpenter's version of ''The Thing" isn't what I consider one of the best horror movies. However, I think Howard Hawk's version (which credits the director as Christian Nybe as the result of some convoluted studio politics) would be among my ten favorite horror movies and possibly among my five favorites. I've never actually sat down and made a list of my ten favorite horror films and I'm not going to do that now, but whenever "The Thing (from Another World)" turns up on television I will try to watch it if my work schedule permits. I love several things about that film, including the sets and the overlapping dialog (it's very interesting to see Hawks take the overlapping dialog, a staple of screwball comedy, and use it in a horror movie). I'm also impressed by the cinematography and how some shots have up to fifteen or sixteen people in them yet are as well composed as renaissance paintings.

    All in all, "The Thing (from Another World)" is a much more satisfying and sometimes more frightening film than Carpenter's more faithful adaption of Campbell's "Who Goes There" novela. Carpenter had the advantage of far better special effects, but Hawks had the much greater advantage of being a superior film maker and he delivered the real goods.

  3. yes

    i would put it at #2

    after halloween

    and #3 would be saw

  4. Yes, it would... it scared me sooo bad when I was younger, mostly that walking head part... but nothing really scares me anymore. Here's my top 10:

    1) Halloween (the original)

    2) The Shining

    3) Aliens

    4) Poltergeist

    5) The Thing

    6) House of 1000 Corpses

    7) Evil Dead

    8) The Others

    9) The Ring

    10) Saw

    Honorable mention)  Jeepers Creepers

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