
Would Jupiter be visible right now?

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(almost same question as my other one) I live in Seattle, WA and theres a really bright star, object, in the sky. So far just glancing at google it looks like it could be Jupiter. So would it be Jupiter, are there anymore suggestions as to what might be causing the bright light??




  1. Yes! Jupiter :-)

    If you can get your hands on a pair of half way decent sized binoculars (mine are only 10/50) you can even see some of it's moons. They will look like bright stars circling Jupiter's equator. Quite thrilling.

    Jupiter has many moons. Of the four largest Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, Europa is known to have a vast ocean beneath it's icy crust. At present we think it might be one of the likeliest places for extraterrestrial life. I love to imagine gargantuan whales there, even though anything that big and complicated is a little fantastic :-)

    And another vote for It's one of the best I've seen. And free is good!

  2. What makes you think it's not a star or another planet?( other then jupiter)?

  3. That'd be Jupiter alright

    Here is a free program that is good for figuring out what things in the sky are:

  4. Yes, Jupiter is still near the moon in the night sky.

  5. If you can , go outside at you can see it to the left of the half moon.

  6. If it's in your south east sky, isn't discernably moving and blinking (i.e., a plane or a helicopter) and is the brightest "star" in the sky,  I'd say it's likely Jupiter, yes.  I believe it's in the constellation Sagittarius, have to check my star charts.

  7. I live in California and I have seen Jupiter through my telescope just less than an hour ago. It is the brightest object in the sky aside from the moon, it is orangish in color and is relatively close to the moon. What you are seeing is probably Jupiter. It's cool, isn't it?

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