
Would K-Rod accept the role of set up guy for Mariano till Mo retires if he signs with the Yanks

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Would K-Rod accept the role of set up guy for Mariano till Mo retires if he signs with the Yanks




  1. I don't want him to go to NY. the fans don't deserve him. they will treat him like c**p. let him rest in peace in toronto or cleveland or something like that. heck the angels dumping place for players (St. Louis) doesn't sound too bad either.

  2. Why would he?  Why should he?  Francisco Rodriguez is THE best closer in baseball right now, and has been for several years.  Mariano is a legend, but he's getting up there.

  3. No.  

    In fact, K-Rod has expressed the fact that he plans to be a closer til the day he retires from professional baseball.

    Plus, K-Rod is a better closer than Mariano at this point.  So, signing/trading for K-Rod and than using him as a a setup guy would be a big waste, even if it's just for one year.

  4. I highly doubt it, but it is possible. He wants five years for fifteen million a year. That's a pretty big contract for a pitcher who only plays one inning every save situation.  

  5. I hope he doesn't sign with the Yankees.  That would suck.  

  6. Rodriguez wants to close. He won't accept anything less.

    Plus if he came to New York and did his strikeout dance, he'd probably get shot.

  7. No way, he loves closing.

  8. No. The Yankees, the Angels, Rivera, and him know he is better than Rivera. If he did go to the Yankees it would be if their is an opening at closer (when Rivera reties).

  9. I don't think he will sign with the yanks because that is what he'd have to do. I hope the Angels resign him, if not then he could have some trouble finding a contender that can offer him the money he wants.

  10. Not a chance in h**l bro, K-rod is gonna damand a fat contract as a closer.

  11. It would be awesome if he did because then when mariano retires it would be the end of an era and the start of a new one. But I think Mariano would be insulted if his set up man is making millions more than him. K-rod wants 15 million A YEAR for five years. I think the Yankees will try for him I dont think it will work. No team will pay 75 million for a set up guy.

  12. Thats up to k-rod and the angles.

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