
Would Leftists prefer that Bristol Palin abort her baby?

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Would Leftists prefer that Bristol Palin abort her baby?




  1. I don't understand what anybody prefers anymore.  Racism, sexism, ageism.  Too many "isms" clouding the issues. I'm literally depressed with the whole process.

  2. No.  Leftists would prefer that she be able to make that choice but everyone I know would prefer that she choose to give birth and provide her child with a safe home and a good life.

  3. What if God forbid she has a miscarriage or a still birth than how are they going to feel

  4. Try to understand - nobody cares.

  5. No, we'd rather have Bristol for a bloody sacrifice to Satan so he will protect America for another four years.

    What kind of dumbass question is that.

  6. If she wanted an abortion, I would only hope that she got one and not feel pressured to have her child. I also hope that her family is not pressuring her to marry the father just because they have a baby. If you are pro choice it doesn't mean you are for an abortion for every circumstance. It means let the mother decide for herself, even if you don't agree with what she does.

  7. Leftists would prefer that Bristol, like other women who find themselves pregnant, continue to have a choice.

    Palin should be more concerned about the ultra conservatives that will be disappointed that she wasn't able to sell abstinence to her own daughter or that she'd be willing to drag her unmarried pregnant daughter into the spotlight for a chance at the vice presidency.  Oh and lot of them don't like that whole going back to work 3 days after having a special needs baby.

    I would imagine most moderate to liberal people are more concerned about the economy, the war in Iraq, and environment then Bristol being an underage baby mama (thanks Fox!).  

  8. Absolutely NOT.

    I just prefer they do not run on hypocrisy.

  9. They are all for choice to rip living beings from the body and disposing them with medical waste.


  10. Her choice, no matter to me at all.

    I don't think anyone should be told they must carry/have it, who ta heck has the right, whats next?

    you can't get a tatoo

    you can't get your ear peirced

    you can't have long hair

    who are you to say what anyone can do with thier own body?!?

  11. most likely so they could add another notch to their abortionist belts. I went to college with a girl whose opinion was "anyone who believes in abortion should have been one." Not saying I go that far, but I think there are a few reasons (rape, incest, etc) but being a w***e and getting caught are not a good reason.  

  12. They sure are coming across that way.

  13. probably

  14. yes then they would sacrifice her on the altar of their messiah for having went against her belief's

  15. no, but if your mom aborted you, I'd be ok with that

  16. Nope.  We prefer that her mother not rob us of the right to make our own choices should we become pregnant.

  17. probably...if she was a democrat she already would have had one....

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