
Would Lim Kit Siang remain as the head of the opposition party or would Anwar take over ?

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Are you ready for a non Malay as a Deputy Prime Minister and future PM




  1. He will lead the opposition party,

    later he will convicted guilty for his sodomy charges,

    and went back to his fav old place at Sungai Buloh.

  2. Is race the main criteria in deciding who leads the country?

    How bout the best Malaysian is chosen to lead the country?

    By the way, we already had a non-malay as a PM, remember?

  3. PM will be Anwar and deputy will be Datuk Abdul Hadi........

  4. Of course anwar should take over immediately and i think he will... he is much more experienced and respected figure than lim

  5. Lim Kit Siang? ( Opposition???) huh???

    I thought Lim Kit Siang was Gerakan.

    I thought the leaders were:

    PKR: Wan Azizah (or Anwar)

    DAP: Karpal Singh

    PAS: Hadi Awang

  6. Both of them will share the lead.

  7. I'm waiting for a good reason.

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