
Would Ludacris still support Obama if he knew he plans on raising his taxes?

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ludacris obviously makes more than $250,000 a year and obama promises to raise taxes on those who make that much.




  1. If you haven't figured out that the rich are the only ones who get tax breaks in this country yet, you need to seriously wake up. Ludacris needs to stop getting involved, it just makes others want to kill him as well.

  2. nope

    and now that most people are realizing that, his polls are going lower and lower

  3. Of course he would.

    Very few black people would pass on the opportunity to put the first black president in office.

    Even Colin Powell, who served in the administration of 3 republican presidents, said he may vote Obama.

    For many people, it's an opportunity to make history that's worth a tax increase.

  4. I suppose if you're making a few hundred thousand a yr then you might not want to vote for O Bama....But for the rest of us in the real world of middle class America, not voting for him will spell the end of us as a class, and not long after, as a country.....

    Ludircis might be a supporter of a people's politician after all, "despite a slight raise in his taxes".....

    Wars cost money, prisons cost money, schools cost money, so do cops, etc, etc....No taxes=no society. Tax breaks and corporate loopholes for the wealthy= a really hard life for us all in the long run.....

    Think before you write!!!

  5. You must be new to the US. In this country, despite higher tax rates on the wealthy, they actually pay a lower proportionn of their income in taxes since the government supplies them with endless loopholes to avoid paying.

  6. Probably

  7. I doubt Ludacris would care. He's not very political, that's for sure.

    P.S. OBAMA '08!!!!

  8. Who's Ludacris?  Is he in the Bible?

  9. Yes. Not everyone puts money above principles.

    My wife and away make well over that threshhold as well. Noentheless, we are Obama supporters.

  10. "Money isn't everything!"

  11. He just wants one of his own in the white house. They don't understand issues.

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