
Would MLB ever consider moving the Mariners to the N.L. and the Rockies to the A.L.?

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american teams do play japan teams. the Yankees played the Giants in 2004. the Japaneses Giants.

who care about offense pitching win championships.




  1. Can we move the Orioles to the NL east so we have something of a chance?

  2. Being that neither team has a long standing conference rival or ties, it is a possibility, but I think it is unlikely both will move.  The last team to move was the Brewers from the AL to the NL and there wasn't another team involved.

  3. I'm not too sure what the advantage would be given the fact that both franchises have mediocre attendance at best.  Frankly I wouldn't be sorry to see both teams move to another part of the country.

    What I would really like to see is either the Marlins or the Rays move to the Orlando area.  At the very least move the Rays from St. Pete to Tampa.  It would improve their attendance 100%.  The Marlins have never drawn big crowd and never will.

    Oh yes, let's not forget the latest failure in the long line of failures in DC.  What was the old saying, "First in war, first in peace and last in the National League".  Of course with the old Washington Senators it was, "Last in the American League".

  4. maybe but it will be some like 10 years before they think about it because everything is going well in the mlb

  5. The offense of the NL West will drop 5 notches to such a crappy state that no one would want to watch them play, but then again there is great pitching. Webb Haren Lincecum Sanchez Penny Peavy Young. If the Mariners come in and the Rockies leave, all the other NL West teams would have even more dismal offenses, playing in Coors gives them the hope that they can hit a ball out of any park haha. It would also make the NL West look worse.

    edit: Yah sorry DodgerBlue, thats why everyone in the NL West is over .500

    You need to be balanced.

  6. I'm sure they'd consider it if there were a good reason - but why would they do so?

  7. This is not really pertinent. Who cares which team plays in what league.

    What MLB should be looking at is expansion. Preferably to foreign countries. Specifically to either Japan (Tokyo) or Taiwan (Taipei), or both.

    We are living in a jet age aren't we?

    Where is the vision we need to expand.

    Plus, get rid of the stupid DH rule.

    Plus, kill inter-league play.

    I would love to see balanced schedules and have two Major Leagues with two (8 team divisions in each league).

  8. i dont think so. i can see them moving the astros to the NL west, though. i think the MLB should move the blue jays somewhere in the states. i dont like the fact that canada has a team that competes in an american owned tournament. we dont see american owned teams competing against japan.

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