
Would McCain've chosen Sara Palin had Obama chosen Hillary?

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I think not. Not to mention McCain had only met his running-mate ONCE before choosing hr, and did not choose her until after Obama had chosen Biden.

What do you think?




  1. She was all but chosen last week - it was announced Friday - but yes as there would even be more reasons to shore up the conservative vote and to combat the lie of a white male club (the Republicans have scores of women in leadership positions).  Besides, she is such a maverick and does what she feels is best even if that is against the "leadership" that the two just dovetail extremely well in attitude.

  2. no way, he would have gone with joe lieberman.

  3. Oh, yeah. I totally agree with you. I think he chose her to get the votes of those that wanted Hilary. There are a lot of women who have been waiting for a woman to be involved in the presidency.

    I for one do not want Mccain. Simply because he doesn't want to get our soldiers out of Iraq. I could go on about this, but I wont. Him picking a woman as a running mate almost sways me a little, but then I remember I know nothing about her yet... and I don't agree with his war option.

    Sigh... It's pretty sad if he did pick her for the reason we both seem to think... Rather than the "best candidate"

  4. I agree.   It seems like an obvious ploy to go after disaffected Hillary voters and PUMA members. I don't think they will be fooled.

  5. Yes, we know he would not have.  He only did this, because he thinks, this will mess with Obama, but it won't.  He should have had this VP checked becuase she is being investigated.  LOL  

  6. we'll never know

    but it was a brilliant move and completely wrong footed the democrats

    how mean to announce it today and take the shine off obama and his 'victory' speech last night

  7. Most certainly. He would have to compete w/ Obama's choice of v.p.-an intelligent tough woman.  

  8. He would have chosen Leiberman I think. Just because.

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