
Would McCain go to war with Russia?

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I'm still undecided but after reading McCain's comments about his tactics and criticism of Obama's stance on world interaction/policies, I'm very concerned.

It looks like McCain still has the old school military mentality. My view is that the world is not the same as it used to be and we can't use the same tactics we used to use. McCain argued that Obama is too shy about leading America to exert itself in world affairs.

If we go to war with Russia, our economy will be destroyed. Our European allies will be more reluctant now compared to the Cold War day b/c they are SO dependent on Russia's oil.

Not really feeling his shoot first ask later train of thought.




  1. Yeah your right, Mccain is really trigger happy isnt he, and i think they forgot the one thing to do that they see as apeasement, DEMOCRACY!

    if they did it before and it worked ..why not do it again...only this time, without the nukes!

  2. We would not go to war with Russia unless they attacked us. Georgia may turn into a Vietnam, though.

  3. hes republican so yes, i was going to vote for him at first but now i have thankfully changed my mind.  he is too much of a warmonger and i am in the military!  we need a change in this country but i am not so sure it will ever come.

  4. he would go to war with anyone for any reason he pleases, something our economny cant affford

  5. His comment after getting past Romney was, "I'm sorry, but there will be more wars."  And he had this big smile on his face.  Not too sure all the marbles are there.

  6. I think he would. It is very tough to see into the future but I feel WW III is on its way. I would like to try things diplomatically before entering into a war that will be hard for us to recover from.  

  7. I completely agree with you.

    This whole "shoot first ask later" thing is absolutely insane. He was ready to jump into a war for Georgia which is ridiculous... Does he know how huge Russia is - and how much bigger and more important Russia is than Georgia. Sad but true.

    He is 71, obviously he doesn't have much life left to look forward to, what does he care?

  8. everything he is saying, is preparing America for another war.

    these are his words below...

  9. I don't think it matters because there's no way he can become president anyway.  Why deal with another Bush? *shudders*

  10. Russia is desperately trying to re-gain it's relevance.  All they have managed to do is get the attention of the paranoid.  Russia, in spite of everything Putin tells you, is in no position to engage in a war with the US or any other major power.  McCain is leaving the issue alone and leaving it out there for everyone to comtemplate the possibilty and the prospect of a wet nosed community service worker running the show in the eventuality.

  11. Of Course!

  12. Nah. He's not an idiot.  

  13. Considering the world is reentering the cold war, someone with a cold war mentality seems like a good choice, assuming you want to survive.

    If you go to war with Russia, more than your economy will be destroyed.

  14. The old man is really falling apart. The republicans are so used to doing anything to make them money. So if there is money to be made by going to war with Russia McCain will do it.

  15. I heard the same retarded BS when Reagan was running.  Doesn't this ever get boring to left wing whackjobs?

  16. I would hope not, going to war with Russia would involve the whole world since both have deep allies.  I can't imagine how devastating that would be.  

  17. To me he's unclear. It looks like there is 2 factions, probably more, in our intel agencies. Brzezinski/Obama/Soros represents the tri-laterals who have actually brought over their resentment of Russia from the cold war and who were behind the Georgian/Ossetia conflict. They want WWIII to get rid of Russia and China, which the globalist like because that would not only get rid of countries not under their control but it would significantly reduce the world's population so they can control it more easily, get all the resources and enslave whoever is left, about 20%, They want to keep Iran as a way to control Russia.

    NcCain is of the Rockfeller side of the Zionist, Illuminati globalist who want to invade Iran the way Bush wants to. Bush was just about to bomb Iran when a B52 flew over the US loaded with nukes headed for a coastal area of the US to prepare to bomb Iran. Brzezinski had them stopped.

  18. Yup.

  19. How are we supposed to know if McCain would go to war with Russia? John McCain and the people who help him create his policies are probably not on Yahoo! Answers.  

    You haven't even really asked a question here.  For all we know the conflict in Russia could be over by the time the election happens so the point would be moot anyway.  

    We should be spending more time concentrating on domestic issues that we know will still be problematic for sure once the election happens, like our energy policy and our health care system.  There are plenty of other things to concern yourself with over the candidates without bringing imaginary hypothetical situations into play.

  20. If we don't go to war at all , the world would be more peaceful ! and a lot of people would accept us and its important for the world not just for the country !

  21. He does not want to, that is why he is talking tough.  If we appear weak, we have no hope of avoiding war.  You have to appear to your opponent that you are able to defend yourself.  That is what Obama finally figured out.  At this point, McCain and Obama are in agreement.


    1st Response) Russia should get out of Georgia.


    1st response) Everyone should just calm down.

    2nd response) The UN Security Council should get involved

    3rd response) Russia should get out of Georgia.

    It's no different than:

    If you rob a bank, you will go to jail

    as opposed to:

    If you rob a bank, that's not nice.

  22. hello i live in the uk and have been watching the US election run up on tv a lot , the fact is if the US went to war with russia it would be the best time to do so, at the moment Russia supplies the majority of natural gas to the EU and has been throwing its weight around knowing that we europeans need their gas, but by atacking Georgia a soverign nation dealing with its own internal regions and using the excessive force that it did Russias relation with its european neigbours is at a all time low, America would find itself with alot of allies in europe willing to support and fight a war to secure fuel for their populations, and the fact that the majority of fighting would be carried out in europe not the Americas would make it less likely for civilian casualtys in America, so war would be less damaging for civilian morale, the foriegn minister for Britain was meeting our europien allies today to try and drum up a coalition against russian aggresion i would say in the next week or so we will find out which way its gonna go

    as for senator Obama from what we see in the news over here he is not said at the time what he would do to stand up to russian aggression where senator McCain has gave an answer.

  23. It sure sounds like he was saying that we should go to war to defend our Georgian allies. Never mind that they fired the first shots, bombing and killing perhaps as many as 2000 people. Never mind that this is a territorial dispute that could possibly be settled through diplomacy, or even an election since these are "breakaway provinces" whose people may actually want to rejoin Russia.

    In other words, McCain's pronouncements sounded identical to what Rice and Bush said. And no we can't afford a war with Russia and besides which they have a lot of nuclear weapons!

  24. I think he might ..but then again im not sure ....but we dont need a war with Russia . Russia is and has been for the past 1000 years a force to be reckoned with ..

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