
Would McCain have picked Romney or Pawlenty if they had b***s?

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Would McCain have picked Romney or Pawlenty if they had b***s?




  1. McCain did the best thing ever by selecting her, he has shaken up the whole Democratic party and probably the US too which needed a sahke up bad. He has made a someone out of a little known person practically overnight. This is exactly the kind of change this country should come to expect from a Presidential candidate. McCain not only talks the talk but he leads in walking the walk

  2. I seriously doubt that.

    What, no link to a Photoshopped picture of Palin's b***s? You seemed to be obsessed with her, I would have thought you could find one.

  3. Would you vote for Obama if you had a brain,no,because then you would realize he is not president material-grow up,are you 12 or what?

  4. They already do :)

  5. Romney is a C cup.

  6. Only if they let him tie them up first.

  7. I already don't like their looks now, I think b***s would make them even weirder!

  8. No, and I hope you are a republican pretending to be a democrat, otherwise you are very embarrassing to democrats.

  9. He didn't pick you and you are one.

  10. Are you just using a tacky way of saying "The wanted a woman on the ticket to get some of the discontented Hillary supporters"  or are you talking like horny jr high kids in the locker room?

    I don't know all that much about Pawlenty, but I think the fact Romney is Mormon might have scared away many potential voters.

    And, yes, being female has it's advantages in this election.

  11. I thought George Bush was King of the b***s!

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