
Would McCain risk a war in the hands of a cheerleader to win an election ?

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Whoops, I mean another cheerleader. Forgot Bush - and look how he's turned out - Mission Accomplished yet?




  1. I am a mccain supporter.

    WTF is he thinking, pawlenty, ridge, others, he picks her????

  2. He's senile.

  3. No. he wouldn't.

    That is why he doesn't want a cheerleader like obama to be in office.

  4. More ignorant remarks on Palin from the left. What a surprise.

    Then again, Palin speaks the language of morals and character, a language the left is oblivious to.

  5. Uh, in case you might listen to a media source outside of the mainstream, you'd know by now this fact.......Palin is commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard.  A top notch unit of the military, that lies less than 1000 miles from the coast of Russia, which last time I heard, isn't a minor country. Unlike Iran, which according to tough guy

  6. there is no practical diffrence between bush other candidate of president's election.

  7. So, you think the woman who has run an entire state, the only state that borders Russia, has more trade with Japan than the entire continent of Africa PLUS most of Latin America, has more trade with Canada than all but four other countries, is an unsafe bet when compared to a man who has run an economic development office that borders Gary Indiana and had more trade with Joliet, Illinois, than either Bhutan or Uzbekistan?

    Sound reasoning.

  8. Agreed...extremely arrogant and egoistical decision

  9. what is wrong did you not make the squad?Interesting you use that term seeing how Obama's popularity has been equal to that of Britney Spears or Michel Jackson , he has been on tv for close to year now speaking of change and has done nothing to promote it . Even when he should have. Ok so the ideas of change are socialist health care reform , no amendment rights and leaving our military . Am I gonna vote against this? most defiantly .  

  10. McCain will do anything to win an election, including selling half the nation down the river to appease the religous fanatics on the way too far right.

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