
Would Michael Phelps get much attention as now even if he looked UGLY?

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We all know his popular because of what his done but also because of his look

Like would Shawn Johnson and Natassia Lukiens this much popular even if they looked like org res and miss shreks?

So getting to the point

If michael PheShriekooked like Shrek,,,would he be this much popular?




  1. Yes.  Shaq wasn't exactly a cutie and he was pretty popular.

  2. Oh my god he is sooo hot, i know i would pay attention to him because hes such and amazing athlete, but if it wasn't for him,Shawn Johnson, or Natassia Lukiens I wouldn't watch the Olympics that much.

  3. I think he's not cute but he's not model, he's swimmer.

    Who cares if he's cute or ugly?

  4. Well, he has gotten' the most medals in one olympian.

  5. what do you mean 'IF'?

  6. Are you kidding?  Have you seen those ears?  He's gorgeous from the neck down.

  7. yes, he would

  8. IMO, Michael Phelps is no David Beckham.  I do not find him attractive.  So, therefore, my answer is yes, he would be getting the attention.  

  9. to somee people he would be the same butt hess really hott

  10. ohkk soo u guys r alll retardsss cuzzz michael phelps is absolutely gorgeous and an ahmazing swimmer n whatever...  the only thing is tht i heardd hezzz a jerk   :-((

  11. This could possibly be one of the most retarded questions on here.

    and the answer is yes; everybody loves shrek.

  12. nah

  13. I thought he already looked like shrek.

  14. Yes, I think Phelps would get the attention, his medal count was the best not just of this Olympics but of all Olympics of all time.  Also, given that he's a pro athlete, be probably wouldn't have a beer gut and no muscles, anyway.

    Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin would probably be less popular, but apart from the Olympics, their support comes from gymnasts who know what they're doing in gymnastics, not idle male TV watchers who think "those gymnastic girls are hot"

  15. Michael Phelps is really too full of himself. One of the most arrogant athletes since Carl Lewis. When he saw that something was not going to be aired he said publicly "I wanted people to see how awesome I am". People who achieve greatness do not need to blow their own horns. It tarnishes what they may have accomplished. Phelps should walk around with swim cap and goggles on to make sure his ego is continually being fed. Looks rather like a dork with or without them. Ugly? Not so much as plain dorky.

  16. Whaddaya mean, "if."

  17. What the heck do his looks have to do with anything?  He is now the most accomplished swimmer in history, is that not enough?

    Honestly people, it's what you DO not what you look like that matters

  18. Actually, I think Michael Phelps is kinda a home biscuit

  19. i think he is full of himself. but i would be to if i won 8 olympic gold medals and set as much records as he did.

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