
Would Moses celebrate yom kippur if it had been around in his time?

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Would Moses celebrate yom kippur if it had been around in his time?




  1. it was around in his time "Traditionally, Yom Kippur is considered the date on which Moses received the second set of Ten Commandments. It occurred following the completion of the second 40 days of instructions from God. At this same time, the Israelites were granted atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf, hence its designation as the Day of Atonement."(wikipedia) so they probably celebrated it during the 40 years and they were in the desert  

  2. Yeah, probably.

  3. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is part of the law given to Moses by God.  (See Leviticus 23:27.) So, I guess Moses did observe the Day on Atonement it was around in his time.  

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