
Would Nuking Nigeria fix most of our scam and spam problems?

by Guest56638  |  earlier

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Would Nuking Nigeria fix most of our scam and spam problems?




  1. Just scam them back. If they are that stupid to thing that we are that stupid then they are vunerable.

  2. No, it would open a niche for other opportunists.

  3. no, most of the spam that I get, when I do read a portion comes from the UK, well, so far anyway

  4. no, it would not, simply because spamming and fraudulent web people dwell all over the globe.  in case you don't know, a large amount of phishing and id theft originates in Eastern Europe and parts of the former USSR.  Then there are Asian countries like China and there-abouts that have a significant amount of this too.  And never forget the USA where some of the best and brightest nefarious net scum dwell.

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