
Would Obama Take a Tough Stand Against Russia by Stopping Cactus Imports from Siberia?

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No more oranges and watermelons from Siberia in January?




  1. lol! It's about as effective as he'd be!

  2. Hmmm, Russian Cactus imports will not be questioned in any debates..., is it a cover up? Who knows?

    We get oranges from Florida and watermelons from Arizona. Are you a lobbyist for Cactus fair trade?  

  3. yes that and retiring cattle guards in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Washington, and parts of northern California gotta save money where you can .  

  4. Ya, shut 'em down Barry!

  5. Would Palin? Could you see Palin with Putin?

    Because say Hello to your new President!

    McCain is 72 and battled cancer several times...he could easily die in office

  6. I think that Cactus Import should be the LAST flippin thing on everyones mind when thinking about the election....

    Is there not WAY better things to be concerned about....???!!!!


    People are just amazingly out of touch....its sick.

  7. Yes, that and snowball imports, stored in wicker baskets.

  8. You mean as opposed to the current President being laughed at by Russia?

    I think Obama knows how to be diplomatic and has the character to be a world-class statesman. One doesn't "get tough" until one knows what the problem is. Even a cop on the beat knows that much.

  9. Yes - that would be Obama bin Biden being 'tough'

    And he would cut off US swim suit and sun block exports to Siberia too


  10. Is this a trick question? You used Obama and "tough stand" in the same sentence.

    So, the answer is no?.....Wait....Yes.....Wait...Oh, there can be no answer! I get it!!

  11. The biggest mistake the League of Nations made before WWII was its failure to respond in any meaningful way to Germany's violation of the Versailles Treaty.

    But because of Bush, we no longer have the military strength to come to Georgia's aid.  You may not like it, and I don't either, but we have to come to grips with it.  What is it that McCain would do to take a "tough stand" against Russia, when the Russians know full well that we don't have the power to do anything about it?

  12. You know, the funny part of this question is that even if he did summon up that much courage, our European allies would not go along.

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