
Would Obama be the first president unable to speak another language beside english?

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kinda funny huh?...he wants us all to learn a second language because we're an embarassment to the world, yet he never took the time to learn another language...ironic huh...even Bush can speak spanish fluently...strange huh?




  1. No. ¡No! Obama es un fraude.

  2. Barack Obama speaks Indonesia. Your question is loaded. Trying actually learning about the candidates instead of lying or asking loaded questions.

  3. uh no he wouldn't do you think george washington spoke chinese what about abe lincon he didn't speak spanish when you think about it the greatest presidents only spoke english

  4. but obama has studied abroad

    and bush hasnt

  5. No, he wouldn't nor do I think he will be the last. Personnaly, I'm going to vote for ole Perzenfluoker Von Zonbluebenklyberson on the no contest ticket......

  6. Bush can barely manage English without sounding stupid.  Sometimes.

  7. English FTW!

  8. I have issues believing george bush can speak a foreign language fluently when he can't even speak proper english.

  9. I do not care

    I am not voting for him!

  10. so... are you assuming that just because Bush can speak Spanish... that every other president ever has been able to speak another language?

    impressive assumption...

    Obama said himself that he should learn another language... he didn't leave himself out of the discussion...

    if he was insulting the U.S.... he was insulting himself, since he clearly included himself with those he was talking to...

    did it sound like he insulted himself to you? apparently?

  11. Yes, that is interesting is it not.

    I think that it would be very interesting to get a questioner to ask Obama a question in Spanish and see if Obama can even understand part of the question. I doubt that he could.

    Personally I think that it is a good idea to speak one or more foreign langusges. I speak Spanish French and German in addition to English. I would like to see Obama do the same.

    I listened to the audio clip of Obama's statement. That statement was clearly intended as an insult to the American People, not as a helpful suggestion.

    It is clear from Obama's statements that Obama has contempt for the American People.

    That is just one more reason that Obama is unfit to the the President of The United States of America.

  12. Try to focus:  Obama is suggesting that teaching students a second language (any language) would improve their standing in the global market.  Obama is a sitting US senator and probably will be president.  I think his professional future is reasonably secure.  

    Most US presidents have been monolingual.

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