
Would Obama supporters change their minds if he ...?

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started calling abortion murder (especially parcial birth abortion) and if he decided to support the born alive act. What if he admitted that he and his wife are actually muslim and intend to have sharia law instituted asap upon entering the White House?

(He is, after all, only promising 'change' ...he hasn't really ever said what that 'change' would be? )




  1. 1) I support him and I view partial birth abortion as murder. I mean, it's questionable if a zygote is a human life, but the baby is in the outside world!

    2) Never heard of the Born Alive Act, so I won't judge.

    3) I wouldn't support a candidate who admitted to a lie from public pressure.

    4) Never heard of sharia law, so I won't judge.

    In short, I don't consider these things because they won't happen.

  2. Yes that would change my mind about voting for Obama, but those things are obviously not going to happen.

  3. Nice rant and lies.....denial is sad.

    Obama 08

  4. Never.  We are pro CHOICE.

  5. Actuall he said what chang would be is his acceptance speech and on his website. Being Muslim would not be a issue but if he were a islamic extremist which he is not thatt would make a difference.

  6. There once was a man named Adolph Hitler who rose to power offering much of the same to the constituents...

    ***Especially the BABY, Annie!***

  7. I'm a McCain / Palin supporter, however please Stop calling Obama Muslim. He is not. He & his wife are Christians. Use you brains for more than keeping your ears apart.

  8. You need to go to bed!

  9. And magical gnomes will come out the ground and pigs will fly across the skies.

  10. 1. No. My best friend is anti-abortion and I am pro-choice. We agree to disagree, and nothing will change our positions.

    2. So what if he was Muslim? Religion is a personal choice.

    3. Sharia Law will require more than a person saying "It's now law!", and it won't happen. There's rules against religion and state.

    4. If you had listened AT ALL, if you had read about Obama AT ALL, if you were educated AT ALL, you would have understood what he meant by change. But, you are extraordinarily reflective of republican "values".

  11. The official Democratic stance on this is that we should be concentrating on PREVENTING unwanted pregnancies. No one it happy when a pregnancy is terminated.

  12. lol @ you loser christians hating on muslims, your worse than them.. **** democrats and republicans.. how about that? they dont give a **** about you whether you like it or not

  13. When GOPers quit using dying babies and their families to get votes then things can change.

  14. If my auntie had balls, she'd be my uncle. Understand?

  15. How would you feel about McCain if he were a g*y man?

  16. I'm not sure even those admissions would alter the decisions of many of these naive Obamanators. He has made very few clear statements identifying precisely what he would do or how he would do it. it is unlikely he'd do anything more than raise taxes and ruin our country.

  17. Why wouldn't we want a muslim president ?  Is  it the color of his skin that have some of us desperate? We close our eyes and just vote ? bd

  18. The change he refers to is leaving the Bush years behind, trying to remedy what he has spent the last (almost) 8 years s******g up.  If you'd actually read something other than the propaganda published by McCain and the Republican National Committee, you would learn how he would like to go about changing things.  

  19. LOL, yes that would change my mind. Good luck making that case.

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