
Would Obama weaken our military?

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Obama has made statements about cutting billions of dollars from defense spending. Is that smart considering China is increasing their military and they already have us by the short and curlys economically.




  1. Bush has weakened our military by sending them off to die in his failed war in Iraq.

    China has us by the short hairs economically because Bush has borrowed HALF OF A TRILLION DOLLARS from them to fund his failed war in Iraq.

    Do you suggest that we should borrow more money from China-to fight China?

    That's more of the same failed thinking that we will get from McSame.

    President Obama will strengthen our military by using them strictly for defense rather than using them as human shields for Halliburton.

    Halliburton has "lost" more money in Iraq than President Obama could ever cut from the defense budget.

  2. It's part of his "hope". He hopes that no terrorists will hit us if we look weak and defenseless.

  3. Our military has already been weakened by the current administration.  Obama will only use the military when necessary.  And I wouldn't worry about a war with China.  China knows who butters their bread.  

  4. That's a given. For all the talk about supporting our military Democrats have done nothing but undermine the war in Iraq and the morale of the American military.Some of their followers have even called American troops murderers and n***s. It was only last year that the Democrat leader in the Senate declared that the war in Iraq was lost and he claimed America was defeated. Now that we're winning and the war is virtually won don't expect any apologies from these people-they have no class

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