
Would Ohio St be compared to Vanderbilt if they had to play an SEC schedule every year

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  1. Wait don't you mean how LSU was in the SEC before the arrival of Big Ten country coaches at LSU. The LSU football program was a joke before Dinardo, Saban and Miles.

    Probably not to answer your question...

  2. you know a lot of fans such as yourself have triggered a bitter response out of me in the past. however, it's happened so much that i don't really get angry anymore. we all know the purpose of this question is to raise the blood pressure of people like me. if you really want to be a 'winner', then act like one.  

  3. I am an avid LSU and SEC fan.  However, your question is rather ridiculous because OSU has a fine football program.  Would they have a harder time winning in the SEC as compared to the Big-10?  The answer is yes.  Would they be more akin to Vanderbilt?  The answer is no.  Not even close.  

    You have to give credit where credit is due and OSU deserves credit for a fine football program.  Personally, I love watching SEC, Big-10 and Big-12 football.  Especially SEC and Big-10 because it is more smash-mouth football.  True the Big-10 has gotten away from that in the last five years but I see them returning to that old-style football.  Especially after the two losses to SEC teams.

  4. Yes. No conference is better than the SEC.

  5. Is this Austin N in purple and gold?  If not you make a great pair!

    Ohio State would do fine in the SEC..

    you have a losing record in the 90's, lately a very good team, but I am not prepared to jump on that bandwagon..

  6. I Love your OSU bashing its pretty amusing , you are just making your mark as one of the classless people on Yahoo Answers in the Football Section , Congratulations , You are right there with some of the classless OSU Fans as well and yes we have many , so keep it up its pretty amusing so far.

    Go Buckeyes .

  7. You are pathetic and are asking a completely irrational question. People like you make me hate the South. Next time you get hit by a hurricane I will think second about sending money and coming down to help.  

  8. USC will smash OSE!!

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