
Would PSI phenomena be more likely to have an external cause?

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Rather than having "powers" or "abilities", is it possible that an external factor (I'm leaning toward the quantum hologram) is causing certain phenomena?




  1. Yes,the external cause of PSI phenomena is the human imagination.That and the desire to be what we are not,and can never be.

  2. It is unlikely that psi involves "powers" in the sense of magical gifts, although it does make sense to think of psi abilities as a form of natural talent, like musical or sports talent.

    My guess is that psi exists because the fabric of reality, the "substance" out of which everything is formed, is a deeply interconnected or holistic medium. As such, while common sense tells us that objects appear to be isolated, at  a deeper level of reality separations actually do not exist. This idea is the basis of virtually all mystical experiences and lore, it is what psi experiments reveal, and it is what quantum theory describes.

  3. That would depend on your definition of external. Certainly skeptics with little to no understanding of modern physics have argued that it can not be internal because there is no material part of the brain to transmit or receive information.

    A hypothesis that has not been valid since the 1950's.

    On the other hand if you believe as most people in physics do based on experimental evidence that entanglement is real then psi like ESP is not a matter of energy transfer but people already knowing and simply accessing the information. Thus, it is external in that there is a field (like Sheldrake's  Morphic Resonance or the Quantum Hologram) but it is also internal in that the information is not received from somewhere but already present in the brain.

    This is an explanation for psi phenomena. If it is the explanation for some, all or none awaits the results of experimental testing.


  4. I suppose it's possible.  However, before we seek explanations it's pretty important to demonstrate such things exist.

  5. At this point in our understanding, that's a valid hypothesis. I like it. The Sum Total of All Consciousness is pleased. :)

  6. Sometimes people just assume that there has been no investigation of all alternate causes.  In this modern era of technology, of course there are many reasons for much of the phenomena.  In the final analysis, there is always 'something' left unexplained.  That is the window to work with and on.

  7. You cannot explain all PSI with one quantum factor, theirs entanglement/Quantum non-locality , uncertainty principle, Time dilation, superposition, Quantum coherence, and what you said hologram which to me is just perception. Precognition theoretically speaking would have to be do to time dynamics ands levels of consciousness. Telekinesis would be do to non-locality and Collapse of the wave function.

    But quantum Hologram could be responsible things such as ghost encounters, OBEs, dimensions or levels of consciousness for the observer.

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