
Would Palin's daughter's illegitimate pregnancy even be an issue if the Republicans .....?

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didn't have such a holier than thou platform.

Things happen, but when you try to force legislated morality on the country, and then you fail in your own home...does the hypocrisy cause even more damage?




  1. If she was a democrat she'd just get rid of it and you'd never know.

    Its not a story of interest. It would be a bigger story if her daughter had an abortion. The right is cool with her decision.

  2. No.

    And it isn't now.

    The dems are in full panic mode.

    When are you going to link this garbage to Bush?

    You haven't tried that yet

  3. I agree, things do happen, but on 1 hand, the "abstinence only" technique that the conservatives try to shove down our throats didn't work :-P  But, like ftlauderdale_dude pointed out, it would be more controversial if she had had an abortion.   It'll just be another flaw they'll point at for a while, but I'm sure it'll be small in retrospect once it boils down & there are other more interesting "real" political things to discuss about this campaign.  But it's really a shame that this poor young girl has to be in the public light about this.  And marriage at 17/18???  not to sound cynical, but i'll be very surprised if that lasts.

  4. Exactly right.  Everyone makes mistakes, I certainly made mine.  But when you put yourself out there running on family values and now it comes out that not only is your daughter "supposedly" pregnant (still have my doubts that it isn't a coverup and she will miscarry soon) but that Sarah also gave birth to a baby just 7 3/4 months later (eloped 8/29/88 - gave birth 4/20/08)  after marriage and she looked like this then:

    then, I'm sorry, but you've pretty much lost ALL credibility.

    This is far from the end of this story and smacks of narcissistic personality disorder on Sarah's part.  Unbelievably poor judgement on the part of someone all the conservatives on here have been raving about being so smart.

  5. I didn't know we had a holier than thou platform....I think the idea was to strive for those things.

    Republicans don't think of themselves as perfect, apparently only the dems think we are.


  6. Not really. I wonder though if in Alaska theirs comprehensive s*x education. It's actually more of an issue to the Pro-life movement than it is to Evangelicals. Because she took responsibility for her actions. She has a baby. What family? her daughter made an irresponsible decision. but unlike Obama didn't think the "baby was a punishment" to her. she stood beside her daughter when she found out she was pregnant.  

  7. It's not just the holier than thou platform. What about raising a kid right? Where are the parents of these teenagers getting pregnant? It sure dosen't say much for their parenting! And I think the repubs are going to use this to make them look good, how pathetic is that? Just another publicity stunt. If they wanted privacy, they would'nt have reported it. They could've kept it under wraps like a lot of other things they do. They are total hypocrites and liars as far as I'm concerned.  

  8. I like LIBS WHINE TOO MUCH's answer :

    "Republicans don't think of themselves as perfect, apparently only the dems think we are.


    I like how she called Democrats "dems" yet took the time to spell out and capitalize "Republicans." and she claims that they don't have a holier than thou platform....

    Also I find her name very balancing. h**l, she would work for fox news.

    Republicans always like to point the finger, but when it's pointed at them they take the low road and the first ticket out of shy-town.

  9. Who is holier than though? I am a republican and I was a young, single, unwed mom when I had my daughter 10 yrs ago. I just don't like the ideas of Democrats...that does not make me holier than though at all.

  10. Of course. These cons love to tell everyone how they should live while they go and do much worse things. Cons wrote the book on hypocrisy.

  11. It is when you are tying to secure the evangelical vote.

  12. Well, every so often someone someone actually takes seriously one of the Republicans arguments and gets lost when they change posittions, but most people are so ignorant and sociopatholitcal that it makes no difference. For example:

    1) Lie to cover up romantic affair under Clinton - any lie is an Impeachable offense

    1a) Lying to congress to coverup Iran Contra - Patriotic Duy

    1b) Lying to expose CIA operatives, start war and violating Constitutional Rights (the latter declared by the Supreme Court)  Under Bush - No problem

    2) Poor liberals who have illegitimate births - Responsible for all the problems in the country

    2) Palin - no problem

    3) Clinton Attacking Bin Laden - Republicans rallied against it saying only Congress has the power to declare war and it is 'wag the dog' - Under Bush - Bush can do anything he wants and it's legal.

    4) Welfare spending under Clinton - socialism

    4a) Welfare spending under 8 years of Republican rule - No problem.

  13. Her daughter is pregnant? How old is she? If she is i have to say is Republicans are full of SH*T!!!!! They say a bunch of c**p and make the brainwashed/dummies to vote for them for their "moral values".  

  14. It wouldn't be an issue for us if McCain, who said he knew previously, had picked one of our well-known vetted primary candidates for VP.

  15. I think that the this is the exact reason that it IS such a problem. With me, anyway.

    The funny part is that Palin was supposed to help McCain secure the evangelical vote. Hah.

    And I don't think that if she were democrat she would just get an abortion. What a generalization about a party. I know many people that are democrats, including myself, that are pro-choice but would never consider getting an abortion themselves.

    However, I don't think that this is something that the Republicans should be proud of. Teen pregnancy is a serious issue in many cases and it's a hard situation to life through. Also, I don't know how people expect Palin herself to actually be able to help her daughter through this situation. If she's VP, she won't be around much to help her daughter with all the little things that she wouldn't think of doing simply because she is 17.

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