
Would Palin have been a credible Republican party candidate for President?

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Could the Republicans have elected her as their nominee in any likely reality? Isnt' that the ultimate test? Biden was a credible democratic candidate--so were Romney and (even) Huckabee. Obama is, since he HAS been nominated.




  1. No.

  2. She has as much experience as Obama. I don't think he should be running and I wouldn't have her as Prez either. You need experience for this job not a bunch of ideals that might just be youthful idealism.

  3. She probably would have won the nomination.  The Republican field was pretty lame.

  4. By Democrats standards, yes.

  5. Mute point. Biden was not a credible Presidential candidate.

  6. My dog would make a better President then Obama.

  7. Biden is a serial plagiarizer who only seems to talk about how he grew up in Scranton. I don't think he's credible by even the most flexible standard.

    I don't know if Palin would have had any success on her own as an independent candidate. Yes, she's relatively young and inexperienced compared to many, but I think that's what makes her more likable. Same with Obama. He has that that whole outsider feel that voters are really pumped about.  

  8. no.

    this is purely in response to the historic nominations by the Democrats.

  9. You libs kill me!  No matter who McCain picked you would have found something wrong with them!  Get a life.

  10. Palin could run   now but she probably wouldnt do to well simply

    because she is a unknown commodity

    Biden has been running forever and still cant get more

    then 10 delegates in the primaries

    and he has been around for years

    some people are trustworthy and garner support

    others like Biden let their own ego dictate what they do

    and continue to think they are  Presidential

    fortunately the People ultimately decide

  11. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

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