
Would Republicans prefer big business to be unregulated and tax exempt?

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Would Republicans prefer big business to be unregulated and tax exempt?




  1. *  Lower corporate taxes = easier to do business

    *  Easier to do business = hiring more employees

    *  More employees = higher productivity

    *  Higher productivity = higher revenues

    *  Higher revenues = more dollars paid in corporate taxes.


  2. Certainly seems that way considering what they did when in control of all our government....

  3. Of course

  4.    Absolutely not. Consider something from very recent history (past 10 years). During Bill Clinton's years in the White House many companies (such as Enron and MCI to name a couple) lied and cheated to boost their bottom lines fooling people into investing in their companies. It wasn't until the Bush administration came along that these companies and their top dogs got prosecuted. Also Bush put into place a law which makes company's CEO's personally sign off on the companies yearly financial reports, therefore making the CEO's criminally liable for any "accounting errors", which could misleading people to believe a company was more profitable than it actually was.

       It is true that Republicans in many cases favor lower taxes for businesses but that is because they believe that the less money a business hands over to the government the more money that company will have to hire people or invest in future business development...which in turn could lead to more hiring of individuals and further expand our economy. Also understand that Republicans favor lower taxes for individuals as well as businesses. An example of this would be more people AT THE LOWER income earning levels pay none (as in zero) taxes under the tax plan Bush put into place than at any other time in our country's history.

       Please understand though that there are other things to consider though when voting. For instance, I dislike the religious right of the Republican party. I find it arrogant that many of them think they have a right to dictate that everyone should live under laws designed from their personal religious codes.    

  5. Of course. And if they had their way we'd all be unpaid slaves working until we collapse.

  6. Let's see, as fast as other countries are buying our business and Real Estate, who really cares. I'm just waiting to see what other country is going to rename America and what it will be! I still think we should go to Mexico, kick out the twenty people that are left and start again...... without our POLITICIANS! Wow and think of the cool thing, we would have some manufacturing once again!

  7. Your question has no merit. 2 points!

  8. For the most part.  We support regulation that is NECESSARY to insure the common weal.  (that's from that pesky old Constitution).  Since they don't actually pay taxes, anyway, it doesn't matter.  All taxes are ultimately paid by the customers, so, in that sense it doesn't matter where the government chooses to capture that money.  We do believe that taxes should be low enough, across the board, to keep government weak, starved and inoffensive.

  9. Yes they would.

    Spark Hawk -  what regulations would you deem necessary for government to impose upon corporations?

  10. America can plainly see how deregulation and trickle down economics of the Bush administration helps maintain the value of the dollar, raise the stock market index, help the mortgage industry, lower the costs of collage, decrease credit card and increase the salaries of the middle class.

    We can trust big business to put away their greed for excessive profits and do what is best for America.

    Look at the mortgage and banking industry deregulation worked to improve home ownership.

    Look at how President George W. Bush deregulation helped Enron's spectacular growth.

    Look at how no-bid contracts to Vice President Cheney's Haliburton resulted in Haliburton moving their headquarters to Dubai to save millions in taxes back the United States.

    Without deregulation and exorbitant tax breaks how are we Republicans supposed to continue the influx of bribes, kickbacks and payoffs... Oops ...excuse me.. I mean CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS to the GOP from the Billionaires that run these corporations?

  11. Yes.

    They'd prefer that there was no health care available to anyone that could not affort to pay cash for it.

    They would prefer that there was no EPA, FTC, NIH, USDA (except for subsides to cattlemen), FCC, FAA, FDA.

    They prefer that there was no minimum wage and your employer could pay you in scrip that you could only spend at THEIR store.

    Just to name a few highlights of the neo-con GOP wish list.......

  12. Only the big businesses that contribute to their campaigns.

  13. I am more in line with the Libertarians on this issue.  The government helps best in most cases by getting out of the way.

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