
Would Ron Paul stop funding Israel? If he was elected President?

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I know he won't be President, but still would he?




  1. That's pretty funny, Guy1, it seems to me that there was plenty of trouble in the world before Israel even existed. You, sir, are a moron.

  2. What dream world to you Ron Paul types live in? Do you realize that he isn't in the running and has ZERO chance even if every single one of you writes his name in?

  3. Sorry to break it to you, but the executive branch doesn't fund anything

  4. Yep.  And he would probably stop funding their Arab enemies as well.  Hmm... doesn't THAT sound like a good idea or what?

  5. No, because The president does not have the authority to select what aid goes where. It MUST go through the house and Senate in the form of a Budget. The president does not have a Line Item Veto YET.

  6. The ZOG won't stop funding israel. if israel were gone there would be lots less trouble in the world.

  7. Don't make me laugh, of course not.

  8. It's really hard knowing where all of our aid to Israel comes from.  Therefore, one cannot say with any surety that the Executive branch doesn't control any funding, or that the Executive branch controls all funding.  More than likely, some if given through law, and other money through executive discretion.

    If Ron Paul were elected, whatever money is currently given through the executive branch will not be given anymore.  The money given through law, on the other hand, may take a bit more time.

    The president doesn't have the power to make, change, or enact law, but he does exert great influence over congress in two ways, and these are how he gets what he wants.

    The president is the leader of his party.  If members of the member of the leader's party want his support, they must support him in giving him what he wants.  Notice McCain in the last year or two.

    Secondly, the president has the power to appoint Supreme Court Justices.  So, RP would definitely appoint VERY Libertarian justices who have a very strict view of the limits of the constitution.  The effect of this depends on how many Justices retire.  Probably a few who've been hanging on would retire, assuming that RP's appointments would be more moderate.

    There is no doubt that a more Libertarian Supreme Court would rule any funding to Israel unconstitutional.  More than likely, RP's presidency will make a huge difference in America, cutting a lot of the fat off of the federal government, giving power back to the states, and opening up new trade all around the world.  It would give US our country back.

  9. maybe, but when are the Ron Paul people going to give up on the guy?

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