
Would Safety 1st be an okay baby monitor for EVP listening ?

by Guest44614  |  earlier

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Would Safety 1st be an okay baby monitor for EVP listening ?




  1. its my understanding that you dont hear EVPs unless it is a recording.  So if you are actively listening through a baby monitor i dont believe it would work as well.  Also, if you are actively listening and wanting to hear something your mind will probably play tricks on you and you will probably think you heard something that wasnt actually there

  2.   A "real time device", such as a baby monitor, is not a good idea for EVP. Evp is generally obtained using a digital, or tape recorder.  If you dont have a digital recorder, a cassette recorder with an external mic will work, but maybe not as good.  A recording can be listened to repeatedly, slowed down , sped up and otherwise enhanced to bring out the signal. It also is a mol permanent record,proving to others, and sometimes your own doubts, that it really happened. A baby monitor is also basically a radio, which means that it has the capability , under certain conditions to pick up bits and pieces of broadcasts, and other communications and transmissions.

  3. no u can pick up all sorts of things that aren't paranormal. i picked up my neighbors conversation on mine. freaked me out at first though, LOL

  4. Well, let me preface this answer by first saying that I don't put any stock at all in EVPs as a real phenomenon. I think it's just looking for faces in clouds with poor recordings.

    That being said, if you're going to do it, go as high quality as possible. Baby monitors are very poor in their signal to noise ratio and pick up all sorts of static and stray transmissions. If you are interested in hearing from spirits, you probably want to filter all that out. Invest in a high quality digital recorder with separate microphone, and never hold it while you're recording.

  5. No, and EVP is something that is recorded. It means Electronic Voice Phenomena it can't be heard until you play back the tape, so using a baby monitor wouldn't work.  

  6. EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Does not me tape recorders only.

    First if you have any close neighbors using a baby monitor, there is a strong possibility you may be picking up their chatting.

    Now I will tell you of an experience here.

    First I live in an area where I have no close neighbors. My neighbors are the fury, feathery creepy crawlers.

    A few years ago, I had a group of friends here to my home, these  friends came from around the country and Canada. We went out on several investigations ect.

    One of my strictest rule is no drinking or drugs. If I find out you drank or did a drug, you are out.

    One of the nights we were done done for the night. One of the fellows asked if we were done for the day, he would like to take a drink of bourbon and dedicated a toast to his friend who passed away. I had told him, we were done for the night, if wanted to, he could.

    Mean time, I had a baby monitor on. The transmitter was down in my basement, where I have a active spirit named Sean, the receiver was in the kitchen. The other members of the group was in the back, changing & getting to relax for the night.

    After he poured a shot, he made the memory/birthday toast to his friend, then he added, "Sean (my spirit in the basement) if you were a drinking man, I would offer you a drink'. No sooner was the word drink out of his mouth, when loud & clear a "Hic cup" came over the monitor.

    I jumped and started laughing. Yelled to the others what had just taken place. I didn't have a tape recorder going at the time. All I have is the experience. So yes you can get voices over a baby monitor. A tape recorder is better, it gives you an actual record of the voice.

  7. It's not that often when you can hear a disembodied voice.

    And for the most part, you don't even know that you have one until it's already been recorded.

    I don't think the baby monitor would help you.

    However, maybe take a couple voice recorders with you, and just use one to keep rewinding to see if you've picked up anything.

    It's a good idea to wait at least 15-30 seconds in between asking questions.

    That way if you do get a response, you won't be talking over it and miss the response entirely.

    If you are going to practice EVP's, ensure radios, TVs, or stereos are unplugged while in those rooms.

    That way you can rule out any contamination or interference from these electronic gizmos.

  8. No.

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