
Would Sarah Palin answer the phone at 3am or would her husband?

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What would be the reaction if any male governor in the US included their wife in business emails and meetings?




  1. hello , Bill and Hillary did you forget those 8 years??

  2. And you are trying to say Michelle Obama has no dealings with Barak's business affairs?

    Yeah right?

    Much like Hillary didn't with Bill

  3. Her husband.

    And if anybody thinks a woman who describes herself as a "hockey mom" is going to put anything and anybody before her children had better think again.

    Governing 700,000 people for 21 months is a lot easier than governing 300 million people for 4 years.

  4. If you're referring to State phone calls, then Governor Palin or her designated proxy would answer. Government officials, like most business people, and celebrities, have separate lines for work and personal use.

    If you're attacking the Republican VP nominee because of her gender, then shame on you. If you disagree with her policies, then attack those & state why you disagree, and what would be a better choice.

    If you're attacking her because of former employment, then you had better not look too closly at history. People from extremely diverse backgrounds have often been called upon to do extremely heroic things, and succeeded.

    You don't see the opposition attacking Mr. Obama because he's black.

  5. NO, actually Mccain would answer the phone.  And if something were to happen to Mccain then Palin would have more credible experience to answer that phone than would Obama.

  6. Evidently you don't know what went on during Clinton's 8 years.

  7. You must really be worried to post such a question.  Remember Ronald and Nancy and  Bill and Hillary?

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