
Would Sarah Palin make a good running mate for Sen. McCain?

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I've been an ardent supporter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for months, but I never actually believed she would be picked. Now it looks like she just might be the choice. What do you think? Is Palin a good choice? If not, who would you prefer?




  1. I think she would be perfect, she has the experience Obama does and can bring back the female vote.

  2. She would be a great pick.

  3. Interesting counterpoint to Biden, who is a Cheney clone.

  4. Yes.  She's been governor for TWO years...and was mayor of a small town before that.

    Perfect.  Can't wait for the VP debate...

  5. bush is a train wreck, he looks like a grinning monkey on valium........he's is a liar and a terrorist and only an idiot would support him or mclaine

  6. Cindy would run the risk Palin

    becoming "Cindylike" and luring a married man away from his wife and into an illict affair

    does Sarah steal money for drugs too?

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