
Would T-rex have shook the eath as it walked?

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As I understand, elephants have large padded feet and can move relatively quietly for such a large animal. What about T-Rex? It's bipedal so theres a great deal more weight coming down as each leg moves, but would it have stalked or made one h**l of a racket as it moved? Would it be capable of stalking quietly?




  1. I doubt it as it would have made it almost impossible to catch prey unawares. They were big but could probably walk really softly when hunting

  2. Not a lot is know about T-rex that is accurate as people cant decide whether he is a hunter or scavenger or warm or cold blooded.  

    The fact that he stands of two legs implies that he must be warmblooded which means he could move fast and would have made a lot of noise (after all he weighed 14 tons).  But I would imagine that like most animals he could move quietly when he wanted to.  It would be things in his way like branches and logs that would make the noise rather than him when stalking.

    I imagine that he would stalk an animals like a cat (staying quiet and hidden) and then when he is close charging out and grabbng the prey before it escapes.

  3. You are banking on the fact that they were very heavy. But lets not forget our dear old elephants. They hardly shake the earth. In our country,(India), people constantly have to shoo off herds of elephants from their farms. If such a huge stampeding herd does not shake the earth to a great extent, then why should the T-REX? however, it must have shaken the earth a bit while running after their prey, but not at all while walking.

  4. it may shook up near to him as it walked but not rarely the earth agree with the answer on first

  5. I don't think so, now the giant sauropods of the Jurassic probably could, but I don't think T. Rex could.

  6. no it would have made tremers as it walked and the sheer size of the thing when it was running ment its stride was massive so it could get close to prey in no time

  7. it wouldn't have shook the earth as it moved but it would have made a bit of a tremble if you where around its perimeter. as for being able to stalk things. the t-Rex had very powerful legs and could run at a very high speed so there really wasn't any need for stalking its prey.

    most animals could not outrun the t-Rex but nature balanced this out by giving other animals armoured body's and weapons to defend themselves. like the stegosaurus for example had a tail that resembled a ball and chain with spikes on the end. it would use this to swing at predators. it was also given sharp fins all the way up its body to protect predators from biting it.

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