
Would The Evangelicals Seek American Moslems Help In Their Moral Battles in Society and State Legislators?

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proud parent: Evangelicals R Losing all the Moral Battles in America. Kid ur self not. Name it. Every Day u have a new moral defeat on things like g*y marriage, ... Only arrogance and false pride prevent u from asking the help of Moslems. Even the Vatican who R less fanatical than the Evangelicals thanked the Moslem countries in the UN for their stand on some moral issues that the Vatican itself support.




  1. You are right. They have a lot in common.

  2. i dont see them loosing , i see them s******g this nation up more,i dont quite see where your coming from post a few examples

  3. Evangelicals are very much like Muslims, but they don't realize it.

  4.  Fundamentalism:  A movement or style of thought which holds certain principles to be essential and unchallengeable ‘truths’.

     Politics secondary to ‘revealed truth’ of religious doctrine

     Political and social life should be organised along with the fundementals usually indicated in the sacred religious texts

     A symptom of the adjustments that societies make when they become accustemed to a modern and secularized culture? Or

     A consequence of the failure of secularism to satisfy abiding human desire for higher spiritual truth?

     Fundamentalisms

     Fundamentalism dates back to the radical Evangelical movement in 1920s...

     1920s Evangelical resurgence in the USA

     “Fundamentalism”

     1970s Evangelical resurgence in the USA

     Anti-abortion

     Introducing prayers in US schools

     Return to traditional family life

     2000s Evangelical resurgence in the USA

     Nationalist

     Xenophobic

     Patriotic

     Millenialist

  5. We Evangelicals seek GOD'S help in all matters. We don't need moslems, morons, JW's or anyone else's help!

  6. NO!! True Christians believe  that Muslims are morally wrong(women as 2nd class citizens etc.) they would not team up with evil to fight evil, it doesn't make sense!!!

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