
Would They Give Something Like Valium To Someone Who Had Recently Experienced A Traumatic Event?

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Lets say that someone had witnessed a brutal murder and was shaken by it horribly. Would they give that person something like Valium to help calm them down in the short term?




  1. Hi,

    i recently had a tramatic event and i was precribed Valium and it was only short term and i had anxiety for a bit.

    Hope you are Ok.


  2. They sure will. Its actually only supposed to be prescribed for the short term. Depending on your doctor he may prefer to give you Ativan, Clonopin, Valium, or Xanax.

    PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) can include severe anxiety and panic attacks. Benzo's like the one described above will help with those.

    Be wary however, some doctors are set on not prescribing benzo's to ANYONE as they have addictive potential.

  3. They'd probably give you something like Zoloft, not something a potent as Valium.  

  4. Either that or something like Xanax. I wasn't given anything for trauma when it happened, but if you go to the doctor and let them know that you (or someone) has experienced significant psychological trauma I would imagine Valium, Xanax or some sort of sedative would be prescribed.

  5. yes or xanax or clonopin.  Anything to take the edge off the anxiety but better be working with a therapist too.

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