
Would This Make A Good Opening Poem to a Poetry Book? It's REALLY Short?

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I walked through the desert and stumbled about

On the diamonds that lay in my way.

Their beauty was perfect, but I had to find

Something much more important that day.

I kept on my journey and soon I arrived

At the path through the forest of gold.

I walked to the center, where at last I found

My lost pencil, so this could be told.




  1. why not? may i also say i found the poem intriguing all through until you gave it up by mentioning what it is you were looking for. the pencil bit there i think is a bit of a cope-out, it spoils gr8 poem. leave the reader guessing and intreigued - i was left wanting more... it feels like there are more verses to it which just need to be written. my adice is take your time, dont rush to put the book together at the expense of quality. would luv to read the other poems you wrote, gr8 stuff, good luck!  

  2. yes, its very nice, i would go with it

  3. it's pretty catchy.

    i'd read it.


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