
Would U want a CLAER Retainer Or The other Ones with the Wire ??

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i got my braces off yesterday and im picking up my clear retainer today (: and im getting a perminent one on the bottom




  1. I've had both.

    I tried clear AND wire,

    I love the clear one, but really easy to bend and break.

    The wire one is more durable and good.

    I suggest the wire.

  2. They all do the job, but clear ones usually will still fit for longer if you forget to wear your retainers so they are good in that aspect. However, they get dirty quickly and discolor if you don't keep them clean and they will melt or move out of shape in hot weather or water. Permanent retainers obviously work great, but you have to be very careful to use a Waterpik daily in that area since you can't floss or over time you will get gum disease and lose those teeth.

  3. Clear Retainer, because you can take it out when you eat and brush your teeth. With the wire it will be there like your braces until the orthodontist let's you remove it. When I get my braces off I have to wear the plastic clear ones, and I also have to get a permanent wire on the back on my bottom teeth. I'm not looking forward to it.

  4. i really like the permanent one bcs you don't have to worry about losing it or taking it in or out. Yes, you keep it on forever but you forget its there anyway. Just makes life simpiler if you ask me

  5. which you would think would be better for you ask the dentist witch works better then make-up your mind.

  6. Clear retainer : easy to lose but easy to keep your teeth clean

    wire: Hard to keep clean (tartar always forms around it) but you never lose it.

    both work well but the clear one only works if you wear it

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