
Would War World 1 occur if the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand had not happened?

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Would War World 1 occur if the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand had not happened?




  1. Yes. There was too many problems between the European countries. Alliances were causing problems. Leaders were hungry for more power and more land.  

  2. Yes. Austria-Hungary was just waiting for some reason to invade Serbia. Take a look at the demands that they made after Ferdinand was assassinated, half of them don't have anything to do with the Archduke. The assassination was simply the catalyst that Austria-Hungary needed in order to appear as though they were the victims and that their demands were just.

  3. may God keep your mind unencumbered

  4. Yes...the network of alliances (Triple Entente & Central Powers) and the discontent in the Balkans would have certainly flared up at some point.  The Black Hand (Gavrilo Princip's group dedicated to independence from Russian-supported Yugoslavian government) had spies and insurgents everywhere and it was only a matter of time until they struck.  Plus you had jingoism and nationalistic competitition for colonies in Africa and the Pacific, which had nearly caused war (Moroccan Crises...see wikipedia).  Basically the Archduke's assassination was only a spark that lit a region already inflammable with Pan-Slavic resentment and competing nationalistic goals.  The causes of WWI are so numerous that it's a common historical oversight to blame the catalyst of the conflict on one lowly also had the naval arms race between the Great Britain and the German Empire, and the voracious race to consume the fracturing possessions of the 'sick man of Europe' a.k.a. Ottoman Empire.  I could go much longer but brevity forbids a more detailed explanation.

  5. The political situation was a tinderbox; something would have ignited it.  

  6. Actually,the assassination almost didn't happen. When Gavrilo Princip was ready to take the shots,he lost sight of the Archduke and his wife. The car had taken off and Princip thought he had lost his chance. He didn't want to have to report to his superiors that he failed and panicked.

    After running thru several alleys,he came onto one street and heard the motor of a car coming. Guess who it was?

    But in my opinion,if the assassination hadn't taken place,then I'm sure SOMEONE had a backup plan to pick a fight.

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