
Would Withdraw Method Work After Having A Baby

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I had a baby 2 weeks ago,and we just started having s*x again. We're not really wanting to me to get on BC cause 1. he's leaving in a month for Iraq and 2. my kidney problems its not safe for me to take. We're not *dead set* against another baby... In fact before the 2nd one was born he asked me if I cared if he still *** inside me after the baby was born, knowing that chances are I could get pregnant. Anyways my question is what chance would withdraw work 2 to 8 weeks after having a baby




  1. no withdraw does not work especially right after you had a baby, your body is searching for his sperm because it wants to be pregnant!

  2. Most likely not seeing as that is how I became pregnant with our third daughter(currently nearing 8 months along).IT was a GREAT suprise. I did not get on BC due to an insurance problem and we had s*x unprotected and became pregnant only 5 months after our 2nd daughter was born. You are extremely fertile 6 months to 1 yr after having a baby so your chances are REALLY high of getting pregnant without BC.

    Best Of Luck

  3. with drawl method NEVER works... haha

    If you're breastfeeding you should be pretty safe though. Especially for the first two months.

    But you really shouldn't be having s*x right now. Your cervix hasn't closed up and you could be introducing bacteria to it.

  4. Well I used the pull out method for 17 months after my first son was born and did not get pregnant but on the 18th month of using the pull out TADA!!

    Baby number 2 is on the way!

    Thats all I have for you though. personal experience it worked and then it didnt.

  5. That method has worked for me and my husband for years.  We only got pregnant when we tried.  But only two weeks later, I would use condoms.  Should it happen, your body is not ready for another pregnancy and you could be putting the next one at risk for complications.

  6. I think that the withdrawal method probably got you your first baby.

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