
Would YOU kiss the Blarney Stone?

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Isn't it covered with centuries of other people's saliva and mouth goo? The mere THOUGHT of kissing the Blarney Stone grosses me out! Yuck! Bleah!




  1. Who says that the women your kissing hasn't already kissed the blarney stone.

  2. I kissed the Blarney Stone when I was in Ireland...the thought of other people's saliva and mouth goo really didn't cross my mind.

    As far as centuries, I think that bacteria from saliva can only survive for a few days (at most) outside of the human body.

    Haven't heard of anyone getting sick (no one in my family did), but if it bothers you, I guess it's best not to do!

  3. Absolutely not.  The kiss from a woman is what I want.

  4. YUCK

  5. Ewwwww, No, gross.

  6. ya know that by experience I do know that we have this thing in ireland called soap and water, amazingly they use it to wash the blarney stone, also i found out that people actually can use this soap and water to wash themselves if they feel the need.


  7. I've done it. Didn't even think about anyone else's germs, just worried about falling to the ground!

  8. Kissed it many times,but I still don't seem to have gotten the gift of the gab that every talks about when ye kiss the Blarney stone.

  9. No. It's a stupid thing to do. I know many people who have kissed it and have not gotten anything out of it but cold sores.

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