
Would YOu Commute about 41 min. to school?

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I'm considering going to this school (will live at home/no dorms) but I don't know if its worth the commute back at forth?




  1. When I was going to college it would take me about 45min. one way.  I just hope you have a car with good gas milage with these gas prices.  If you have a Metro it won't be a problem, lol.  My mom even has a Prizm and she said that is pretty good too.

  2. Well if you lived where I live that would be nothing. Some of the kids out here have a 90 plus mile trip one way to school.

  3. Where I live, that would be a normal daily commute for me.  The only thing that we have here in this town is fast food and Wal Mart and a ton of K-12 schools; we have to make a 45 minute commute for everything else.  

    Once you get used to it, it's not that bad.  And you'll probably actually save money living at home and commuting rather than living in dorms and having to buy all of your meals, etc.

  4. If you're going to a "commuter school" with no dorms and little on-campus life, you'll be fine.  But if there is housing on or around campus and a lot of students stay there, then it's not a good idea to commute because you'll be missing out on a lot of things.

  5. check and see how much dorms cost a month then compare it to how much you are spending on gas.

    just do the math to see which is cheaper

    take the amount of gas you use a day and times it by the price,

    then times that by the number of days you go to school,

    then times that by the number of weeks in the semester,

    then times that by the number of semesters you are atking a year.


    dorms average $ 1400 a year or two semesters.

    car gets 30 mpg

    about 3 gallons for the round trip

    at $2.75 a gallon; that is $8.25 a day;

    so even going 5 days a week that would be $41.25 a week; $125 a month; and over two, 4 month semesters, $1000 plus the 2 hours you spend driving.So driving cost you less, even though you are driving everyday for two semesters.

  6. No, I wouldn't.  I commuted 30 minutes or so to college, and I regret doing so.  I was out of the loop on EVERYTHING.  I had no social life apart from a few friends from high school who also commuted.  I had little contact with professors or classmates outside of class.  My commute dictated my job opportunities.  That extra 80 minutes a day really detracts from everything you could be doing in college.  I graduated with money in the bank, but I'd have been better off with connections and a few grand in debt.

    If your commute is more than about 10 minutes by car, you're commuting too far, IMO.

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