
Would You Agree To Be Truely Honest With Others You Must First Be Truely Honest With Yourself????

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How honest are you with yourself,do you deny things to yourself even though deep down you know in reality they are the truth...If you decieve yourself it is all to easy to decieve others......But if you are honest with yourself first then being honest to others is easy........




  1. You can only be honest with others when you are comfortable with yourself.  Strive to find that inner peace.

  2. Honesty isn't an all-or-nothing proposition. Lots of people who are dishonest lack discretion, so they show a whole lot more of their "true selves" than they could bear knowing. We can see truth with our eyes, when our ears are being lied to.

    Also the person without an elaborate denial system is a psychotic. Don't stop lying to yourself PLEASE!

  3. No I don't agree - I think you can be honest and dishonest with people regardless of how well you know yourself.

  4. i am completely honest with myself... but not completely honest with others. I never decieve myself, but will quite happily keep the truth from someone if its too hard/difficult/embarrassing/damaging to me to tell someone the truth.

  5. I think its easier to be honest with other people than to be honest with yourself.  But true you should try to be honest with everyone I always believe in honesty Trust is a very hard thing to get back once its gone.

  6. This is a great question!

    Most of confusion came from self-denial. I have to say very few people admit how they really feel and know who they really are...

    Starting from there, they lie to others like it is all true.

  7. Yes, I have a hard time being honest with myself, even in the best of circumstances.

  8. Yes, for sure...

  9. Not necessarily, one can give a truly honest opinion to another when asked and still have a false opinion of themselves................................. true to oneself is slightly different than being honest.....I think in order to be true to others, then yes you must be true to yourself first....

  10. Yes, but it's spelled: t-r-u-l-y.

  11. It could be or not.

  12. Yes - I think some of the trouble is that we don't even know we aren't being honest with ourselves - the little trickeries of defense were probably laid down so long ago we cant even remember them and take them as fundamental truths.

    Socially it isn't okay to be too big for your boots so we do a lot of inadvertent hiding lights under bushels for a quiet life till being dishonest just seems the same as being nice.

  13. I totally agree.  I see that going both ways, too.  If you aren't honest one way, its hard to be honest at all.  You are either honest totally or you are not at all.

  14. If you practice always being honest, then your honest whenever life takes you.

  15. I try to deny that soemthings in my past actually happened, I will avoid talking about them despite how many times I think about them.  They are haunting memories and I wish sometimes I did not have them, but they are mine and to not talk about them when someone asks what you are thinking about is already a lie no matter how samll still is a lie.  You start by lying to yourself so yes I agree fully with this statement.

  16. Yes, yes, to be honest with oneself initiates higher virtues that are commendable by others.  If one intends on deceiving others there is a high likelihood that one is deceiving the self.

  17. I try, I have come to know my weakness's and flaws.Maybe I am too honest with myself and others, maybe I should hold something back. But then I would not be me.  I can see no reason to deceive yourself or others, it just causes problems in the end.  Be true to thine self!

  18. There is only one person here. We are not our bodies. Separation is illusion.

  19. I am very honest to myself and to people around me.  Sometimes I would love to hide some thing, I want that they didn't happen, but I think we all should be honest with ourselves, to admit and to learn on our mystakes...

  20. I think it depends what you are talking about, e.g.  if it's self image, you can be in denial with yourself, but openly be honest with someone by saying they are beautiful. This is still honesty to someone else. I am dishonest with myself about things but I feel I can be honest with others about the same things. I believe it depends on how you feel about the person as to whether you can be truly honest or not.

  21. Yes, Shakespeare said "as the night follows day, and the day follows night, if you are true to yourself, you can be untrue to no man"

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