
Would You Appear On A TV Programme Called 'Come Dine With CE' What Would You Cook And Who Would Be Invited?

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Forget 'Come Dine With Me' the future is 'Come Dine With CE'




  1. I love that show so yes I would defo participate in similar, Id invite strangers as i think it would be interesting to meet total strangers and i would do a roast chicken dinner or a beef casserole and pavlova

  2. Home made Sloe Gin on arrival then Prawn Cocktail to start, followed by a traditional Roast Beef and trimmings Seasonal Vegetables, with strawberries and home made meringues for desert. Served with a nice red wine.  Afterwards we would play pool and drink some more.

    Who would I invite? all my Y/A friends  

  3. for starters i wud cook, seasoned macaroni and some cheese  in a hollowed out large cooked tomatoe wrapped up in pastry.

    then some vegetarian moussaka,

    and for desert, i would make a bannofee pie

    and give the guest some homemade truffles to take home !

    thats sounds nice

  4. Would cook a chicken curry-fish & chips and a vegetarian quiche! then would invite all my contacts and all those of us on the  'List'! lol

    Thank you Aurora- sounds good!

  5. I would cook homemade chicken liver pate to start.

    Then I'd do a nice beef stroganof with real beef steak.

    Then an apple and blackberry crumble with custard for dessert - still homemade.

    With lots of ciggies and pink wine - bonus :)

    My guests would be - and I'll have 4 cos come dine with me do -

    Agent Zero

    Steph J

    Busy Bee


    I think we'd have a nice pink wine time :)

  6. Starter-Chicken Soup-yum with crusty bread and appletiser

    main-roast lamb and homemade chips and lots of gravy and a good red wine

    dessert-rice pudding x

  7. ooh that would be good, i'd invite wackyone cause she needs feeding up, steph j and mrs gc because they are so d**n funny and lastly i think a male so i'll go for dave s so i can put arsenic in his dinner. what a perfect evening it would be, sod the food so long as the lambrini is free flowing who cares, maybe get a takeaway in  lol x

  8. I've said before I love lists so first here is my guest list.  




    Joanne c



    Mrs GC

    Now here is the list of rules. ----  Have to have rules if it's a CE party, wouldn't be the same without rules and lists would it?

    Kids allowed but they have to go to bed.

    No men present this is strictly girls only.

    No cooking,

    Nibbles are on the menu, I will provide those.

    Everyone brings a couple of bottles.

    Plato to take care of the music.

    Dancing is OK for those capable and willing.

    There will be entertainment in the form of Smurf X singing Blue is the Colour whilst being forced to be IT in a game of truth or dare.

  9. Paella and Sangria.

    All invited.

  10. smoked skunk for shady

    a large roly poly for steph

    greasy spoon fry up for delly

    queen of puddings for our queen bee

    oh and a cow pie and some sour grapes for the trolls

  11. I would cook all my favourite food and i would invite my friends and family!

  12. I think i would go with a Berni Inn theme.

    Prawn cocktail or melon for starters

    Steak with a peppercorn/stilton sauce or

    Quorn mince layer (my own creation for vegetarians).

    Followed by arctic roll or black forest gateaux

    Plenty of champagne to drink.

    I would invite anyone, but particularly Haz and Shambo, so they could have a pleasant chat about the Olympics and the perils of being a top contributor.

  13. Spagetti bol followed by fruit crumble and ice-cream.

    Everyone with a sense of humour invited - which just about covers all of my contacts!!

    Edit ~ Whoa Jomamo! Congrats on getting your TC Badge back !! :)

  14. I'd only have one guest - you.

    I would serve cabbage rosti with a cabbage jus, cabbage en croute and to finish caramelized cabbage.

    Oh and vodka so you couldn't taste the rosti, jus, En-croute or caramelization.

    EDIT-Aurora- You're on! I shall wear my crotcheted poncho and everything....

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