
Would You Be Concerned If Your Son Loved Playing With Barbies and Bratz

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Would You Be Concerned If Your Son Loved Playing With Barbies and Bratz




  1. According to some of my g*y friends, your son's behavior is an exact same as theirs. They have loved make-up & fashion more than women since they were children.

  2. If he like under 7, then no, if not, then kinda. If he's older, buy the boy some action figures.


  4. Nope, wouldnt be concerned. Given that he is fairly young. Its just a toy to play with.. Kids will play with almost everything. They're easy to play pretend with as they look human. Ever seen a kid playing with rocks? its just a toy to them...

    Don't listen to all these people telling you he might be g*y. Well i mean he might but there is NO possible way to know now. I used to play with trucks and tractors as much as i played with barbies, and i know my brother and his friend occassionally played with barbies until they were like 10 or 12.. not often but they'd pull my old ones out once and awhile. I Know little girls whos favorite toys are their truck.

    You also have to remember that the only girl in their life is often their mother so they could see the resemblance between the barbie and their mother which is why they pick that...

  5. h**l yeah!

    a boy who is playing with dolls are a future g*y

    but that isn't it in most cases it could be a faze but if it continues then  u got some work to do

  6. that depends, do you need an interior designer? lol

  7. depends how old is he??? if he is like 2 or 3 then no not really its just a toy but if he is like 13 yes you should be really concerned !

  8. let him be himself. dont pressure him into sports and guy things because your so afraid of him becoming interested in men. i hate when parents are selfish and only think about themselves. my brother is g*y and my parents dont accept him and it upsets me and my brother. just let your son be who he wants to be..

  9. yes- and im also concerned about his parents- why are they buying him barbies and bratz anyways? maybe he has a sister but still.... cant they buy him some hot wheels or whatever? if he starts playing with them again show him some other boy toys- and it matters what his age is- if hes over 5 years old there is a problem definantly! :-(

  10. depends on his age and companions.  if youre buying your kid dolls...umm...get him something else.  maybe he's into fashion?  

    i use to babysit a couple of boys around ages 12 and 9.  the 9yo  boy liked to draw pictures of wonder woman. :)  he was an amazing artist actually and he was mesmerized by this fantasy charactor.  who cares?  

  11. My brothers played with my barbies when we were kids,  they've turned out fine (and heterosexual).  I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  12. Yes but instead of freaking out about it. And shouting at him. Or even hitting him. I could sit down and talk to him. Like ask him why he likes playing with barbies and bratz. Tell him that he should start playing with cars. Maybe the reason he is playing with barbies and bratz is because you might have a daughter. And then he would be the only son in your family. And that might be the reason why he is playing with barbies and bratz. B/c he is playing with your daughter.

    Hope this helped.

  13. Concerned about what? Little kids love to play with dolls and I don't think the toys they play with makes any difference. Would you keep your daughter from playing with cars? No. It's just the image we have that boys have to be masculine all the time, even when they are young. Don't stifle your son, let him be who he is now or he will have a lot of problems to deal with later in life.

    And don't listen to these alarmists who claim that playing with dolls is g*y or a sign of gender identity problems. Playing with dolls is a human thing, it has to do with our natural inclination to raise babies. It's nothing to worry about.

  14. Do you want to know fact rather than supposition?  I know about this better than those who just blow hot air.   First, playing with Barbies WILL NOT make your son g*y.  That is a fallacy and a LIE.  If that were true, I would be g*y.  I never discovered Barbie until twelve.  The fact is I wanted to pretend to be boyfriend and husband like my dad.  I needed a female doll to accurately do it.  Having only Gi Joes, I tried to use one in that female role.  This resulted in my parent tearing it in pieces, This was seen as homosexual behavior.  Do you not see how ignorant this appears?  What does the kid suppose to learn from the action of the parent?   My parents had used the same generalized arguments to frighten me.  This was one boy that refused to be bullied or denied.  They never heard why I had secretly bought one.  They just assumed without KNOWING the answer.  They tore it up before my eyes.  The honest communication between parents and child had been denied by their will.  The example of a parent can have enormous consequences on their children.  This act awakened an obsessive desire of toy destruction  which had never been known before by me.  The lasting effect has haunted me into adulthood.  While loving the dolls, the act of my parent had kept flooding my young mind until thoughts became actions.   There are those in law enforcement that says toy abuse leads to crimes against humanity.  A 2006 university study in England says it is a rite of passage.  I had made cassette tapes from media sources talking about it over many years.  Things might have been different had they listened  instead of just acting out of anger and fear from the beginning.  This did cause me to duplicate it on selected dolls  throughout my life just to prove to myself of my own masculinity.  That was what I learned from my parents. Upon self analysis of their arguments, I knew they were showing an err in judgement.  I never wanted to be a girl nor dress like a female.  I was MASCULINE and enjoyed it.  From the age of six, girls were my interest.  They provided a stimulus of intellect and emotion not exhibited by the boys.  Though I liked playing sports and the various activities, the girls were interesting in logic and choice.  The principal of an elementary school had me transferred because his daughter and me enjoyed one another's company.  I never treated her but with respect and good manners.  We never played barbies.  The message was boys should not like girls.  However, I knew that boys date and even marry the opposite s*x when older.   There was a natural attraction for me.  I understood that there was a need to try and understand that gender that would one day enter my life as girlfriend and wife.   Having been sexually assaulted by two male peers  in elementary school did not make me hate my gender.  It made me focus my anger toward them and the teacher.  I never told nor used violence against them.  Never had I known about oral s*x in p**n until unwillingly forced upon me while on my elementary school bus.  That never made me try to have s*x before marriage nor commit sexual offenses toward females.  It was clearly known by me that my actions had consequences.  What I could do was use the experience as a catalyst to be the best guy possible.  My parents thought destruction of barbie and verbal abuse would assure my compliance to their will.  NO!!!  This only fueled my determination to not be denigrated by such ignorance.  It was a battle set in firm conviction that no matter how long nor at what my personal cost, they would never win.  The more they destroyed only resulted in replenishment of Barbies.  It was a matter of principle versus fear and traditional ignorance.  It has gone on for decades.  One parent has died.  It will stop with my or the other one's death.  You see I am one that does not follow blindly anyone or any belief.  Gender confusion and all the other garbage used to explain why boys like barbies denies that there is a NATURAL attraction for males and females.  Boys who have a strong attraction for females will be confused by the supposition that female dolls are ONLY for girls.  This attraction is so powerful that they confuse the natural with the traditional ignorance of child rearing.  Barbie is female and boys male.  Do not boys grow up to date and marry females?  Is this not acceptable behavior?   Why then is it not recognized that some boys will like female dolls?  Instead of being ignorant, the parents or guardians can use the dolls to teach the boys the proper respect and attitude toward females.  If dolls is ONLY for girls, why are expectant fathers given them in child birth classes?  Hypocrisy.  They are to help them learn to take care of a real baby.  This hypocritical use of doll play with males is acceptable.  Why not use Barbies as a teaching tool?  Traditional ignorance and pride. says boys do not play with dolls.  They do not know that "action figure" was coined to mask the fact that Gi Joe was a doll.  These gullible people swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.  Barbies never stopped me from being a published artist.  They never caused me to shy away from hard and oft times muddy jobs.  Barbies never caused me to be arrested nor be shallow in my view of females.  My parents have caused me to be an avid collector.    I speak from decades of personal experience.  My enjoyment of Barbies have only increased well into adulthood. My parent still believes by bullying and verbal abuse that I will finally give up.  NEVER.  If I had been emotionally  weak as a child, I could have been lead to believe the arguments had a basis for me.  One major problem in society is not being able to differentiate the fantasy of toys with that of the real world.  Barbies are fantasy like cartoons and Godzilla.  They have no anatomical correctness nor life.  Many in society say that this plastic object has a perfect figure and is a beauty standard for real females.   Though it may be beautiful, it is still just a lifeless designed toy.  Barbies never made me view the value of females on outward appearance

  15. Yes.  

  16. Nope! You should let your child experiment with all types of toys! Dont forget, when he gets older he will soon staart playing with "boy" toys..........just be patient!!! =)

  17. Absolutley not, this behavior does not suggest anything if your son is in his early childhood. A toy is a toy, thats all he sees it as im sure.

    If you do decided to stage an "intervention", think your options out on how you may take action. The intervention itself may be more harmfull emotionally for your child than if you let him grow out of it.

  18. well.......-

    Yes)you dont want him to turn into a nancy boy.

    No)he will grow out of it:)

    the best thing you can do is keep trying to give him boyish toys

    hope i helped!!

  19. Obviously, the child has been ignored, and must have only fruitless occupations to feed his intelligence.  This is not his fault, that he has not been provided with a constructive alternative of his valuable time.  I would consider him a very patient child.

  20. no, kids will play with what ever interest them~ if you're concerned that playing with barbies will alter his sexual orientation, then let me reassure u, it won't. if he feels like he's a girl and wants to play with girl toys, it's all been genetically coded as a fetus and there's nothing you can do to change it. without your acceptance, he'll grow up miserable, rejected and teased -- by his own mother... IF he really was a transgender, his life will be tough. but he could be resilient to more psychological harm if at least his family accepts him for who he is.

    i guess your son is still young... let him communicate with u and then you'll know what's going on in his head. don't try to guess.. it'll mess up ur mind.

  21. big time..specially if he was playing with them in a sexual way

  22. oh yes absolutely i would be concerned...think about this is your son just raised by women as in are you  a single mom that's raising him

    also has he been exposed to anything or anyone that's telling him to do that or you might just have to accept the fact that your son is feminine. and the last thing if he is about 2 -3-4 yrs old  i wouldnt worry about it he probably dosent know what he is doing anyway ..but if older just try talking to him ..does he have any toys of his own???..hope i helped !!

  23. No, not really. It actually depends on the age. When young, children don't see dolls as "girly" or "g*y". They see them as something to play with, just like little cars or a ball. If he's older you might want to ask him why he plays with them.

  24. Depends on how old he is. If he's younger, he doesn't know the difference. I read a comic and the dad and his friend were watching his son play with a barbie and the dad said,

    "My wife says it's normal, but I just don't know. He better not turn girly on me"

    "He just bit the head off"

    "There's hope!"

    If he's older, it's just what he finds intresting, I wouldn't stress out unless he starts stealing your make up.

  25. if he's playing as an interest in a girls body then that's ok

    but other wise nooooooo

  26. Nope, i used to do it all the time.!!!

  27. most boys love barbies in secret, trust me i know this. is it the only toy he enjoys playing with?? then it is actually rather weird....

    it is not what he plays with its the way he acts, get concerned if he has a weird girly accent...

    then u must accept him, teach him more ways but never forbid him any of his strange ways. love ur son, the heart is all that matters

  28. 10 or below no.

  29. This can be an early childhood trait of Gender Identity disorder . I guess its not much different than your daughter playing with a truck.... I guess watch this behavior a bit longer , if things stay the same or if new changes occur , take him to see a psychologist.

  30. Nope.  I'd be concerned if he didn't want to play at all.

  31. No. I assume your talking about a young child and it's completely normal for both boys and girls to take an interest in playing with dolls and a range of toys, before gender stereotypes are placed upon them. Let him enjoy it, and it could make a good photo for the 21 birthday. =D

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