
Would You Be Upset if Someone Made a Brutal Comment?

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on your cooking.

I made some wheat rice which the texture is different than other rices. My friend said out loud: "This rice tastes like plastic." We all looked at each other.

What should I have said or done?




  1. "Yummmy! Tasty plastic! it's good for you too! I'm glad you like it! I figured you would like plastic...." then smile real big

  2. I would just inform them that they are not being forced to eat it.

  3. I once threw a birthday party for my best friend. I had made some coffee and offered everyone some, also warning them that I only had soy creamer. This one girl said she wanted some and I made it for her and prepared it like she told me she wanted it. She then proceded to drink it and made gagging noises and told me it was disgusting. She then tried to make other people drink out of her cup so they could see how gross it was. She kept drinking it, though, whilst complaining and being overly dramatic. By the way, this woman was 24 years old. Everyone else said the coffee was great. I was incredibly insulted and embarrassed. I don't think it's ever ok to be make bad comments about someone's food or cooking. If she didn't like the rice, she should have say something like "wow. This has a very different texture than white rice. This is something I would have to get used to." Since she didn't, your reaction is probably what I would have done.

  4. Wow! Ladies you are beasts! Here is a guy's suggestion: "Oh it does? Hmmm I'm sorry it doesn't taste right. Can I get you something else?" Or, "You could try some of mine, I'm sorry it doesn't taste right to you." Then if that fails, "okay well I can try and offer you something else, so you don't have to eat it."

    If it becomes a regular thing scew that find another friend or don't invite them over any longer. Don't be a punching bag.

  5. Dang, I bet you can't cook plastic like this.  

  6. I would say, "Well you are more than welcome to do the cooking next time, if you like to stick to conventional foods. I suppose my cooking experiences are a little too cultured for you."

    or.... you could go the total other route and say "You know what is about 5 feet away from the rice, the door."

  7. Let it go, you can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

    It was rude of your guest, he should have kept his/her mouth shut and not eat it.

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