
Would You Laugh at Someone if..?

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Would you laugh at a person (well mock, or tease someone) if they spoke with a lisp (like kinda sound if they're spitting when they talk) Because I know someone who most recently got a bumper for his bottom teeth by his orthodontist and now talks with a lisp. He is very self consious now an I want to help him out.




  1. i wouldnt because its not funny. people with a lisp can learn how to pronounce the words more clearly.

  2. nope.. why would i?

  3. I don't. You need to ask the people who do.

  4. No, a couple of my friends have lisps and I don't think it's funny at all.

    I don't see any reason why someone would laugh at that, if someone laughs at your friend, tell him that it's their problem not his.

  5. no! I know a few people with a lisp and its just part of them, also I have retainers that I have to wear at night and they give me a lisp when there in.  

  6. No, I would not laugh ever at him, only WITH him.One of my best

    friends growing up had a studder, and it got really bad whenever

    she got nervous, sometimes taking her almost 3-5 minutes to

    say one sentence. I would see some kids laugh at her, or mimic

    her, and I would get angry.

    But, I've come to find out through the

    years that life has its way of returning all we've done or laughed

    at,(basically, laugh at someone elses misfortune)

    in a way so we will experience that feeling that was brought on

    by that past incident. I hope you can understand what I am

    saying. Whats really great is ur friends lisp is only temporary!  

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