
Would You Let Someone Decide?

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This is something I have always wondered on my time here on Y!A.

In this baby name section there is always someone saying, 'My mum is letting me name her baby' or 'My sister is letting me name her baby' or something along those lines.

Do they mean like the person pregnant is really letting them name the child?

I couldn't imagine giving up the 'right' as a parent not to name my child.

I think it's one of the best things being pregnant.

Would you let someone else aside from your partner name the child?




  1. it depends i wouldnt let my mum, grandma, sisters etc name it because they have completely different taste in names to me.

    although my baby who is due in december named herself pretty much because she is being named after my friend who passed away, so i really didnt name her.


  2. Well my mom slightly helped pick out my aunt's name, (but she was 21 at the time)

    and she has told me that if she has another kid, i could name it, as a joke, but there is no way in h*ll that that is happening

    but there is NO WAY that i am letting someone else pick out my kids names, i already have them picked out :)

  3. Although I would ask for help --- I think it's ultimately up to me and my partner to have the final say.  Create the shortlist, get peoples opinions, probably leaves with two or three names, wait til bubs is born, and decide then!!

  4. I would never EVER let someone name my child except for me!!! In fact, I might not tell anyone my choices at all!

  5. To make a long story short. I'm adopted (as a baby) and my sister is 12 years older then me. When it came time to bringing me home/naming me (at 10 days old!) my mom let her pick between her two favorites, catherine and elizabeth.

    I'm Catherine Marie (Katie).

    Three years ago when my my sister was pregnant Catherine/Katie was a top choice on the girls list. She had a boy though.

    Now that i'm pregnant my mom keeps suggesting Elizabeth!

    In short, I wouldn't directly let somebody else choose my babys name, but if it came down to a few that i loved and could not make a choice I would probably let my mom or sister choose one.

  6. I guess if someone is very special and close to the person who is pregnant it can happen. Some people doesnt stress out too much about naming a child (dont know why - because I think naming a child is serious business).

    I have met people who let the sister or mom pick a middle name but first name I find it risky too...

    But again... some parents name their child "Pilot Inspector" or Shilon or other crazy things- maybe letting someone else name the unborn child can be safer LOL

  7. I would not let someone else name my child.  I most definately listen to suggestions and if one came up that I loved, I would use it, but as far as blindly saying "hey you can pick a name for my baby and whatever it is we will name them that" way.  Picking a name is such a process (for some) and a very important part of having a baby.  It will be their name for the rest of their lives, and it just has to be a name that you love.

  8. They're probably really close or don't have any ideas.

    I wouldn't though.

  9. I agree with you! I don't really understand how parents can do that! I did name my sister, though. I was eight at that time and before we found out what gender it was I kept saying her name to my parents everyday. I'm sure my parents liked the name or else they wouldn't have let me named her. Now I have a little sister named Myriam!

  10. There are certain names that I *want* to use.  I might let some names go through a vote though.

    If for some reason the father and I couldn't agree on a name, I guess I'd let a younger sibling choose (though we'd kinda filter through the names...)

  11. No, absolutely not. I think naming your child is one of the greatest rights, feelings, and responsibilites you have as a parent. And I would NOT give it away. The only person that will have any definite say in what my children are named is my fiancee, because they're his children too!

    Naming your kids is such an awesome thing, I can't imagine giving that great responsibility away.

    Great question.

  12. Nope, I dont even think my partner would have a choice...if I have to carry the baby fr 9mths then Ill be damned if anyone but me names her.... However, my first child did get her name from her daddy and middle name from me...this one I named all by myself LOL....

    My mom is trying to convince me to give the baby the name of Joshelynn...............I dont think so especially since my older brothers name is Joshua LOL...So her name will be Emeli Isabela

  13. Nope! I am open for all suggestions but after all is said and done, it is mine and hubbys choice.

  14. No way :) They can suggest all the names they want - and if they happen to suggest one I really like I would use it, but not allow someone free reign on my baby's name! It should be decided between Mum & Dad. When my friend was preg with her 2nd her husband decided he was naming the baby (she agreed because they had ended up naming their 1st the name she wanted) but then he wouldn't tell anyone (including her!) any of the names he was thinking of! I couldn't even have dealt with that, let alone some other friend/relative choosing!

  15. I would never let anyone else name my child but I think asking for opinions is fine.The worst case I saw on Y!A was when this woman was having her fourth baby girl and was letting one of her other daughters name the baby and she was only three years old!!! I don't think it was a joke!

  16. I would never let anyone besides my spouse and I name our child. I wouldn't even try to name my grandchild because I want my children to have the honor to do that, as I did with them.  

  17. i would NEVER let someone else name my baby. i've always thought of names for my future children and i wouldn't want to give that opportunity to someone else. my viewpoint is the woman should have the 1st pick because she carried the child.

  18. Short and sweet answer right here :-)

    Would I let somebody else have complete control over the name of my future child - NO!!

    Would I let a special person in my life (outside of the baby's dad) suggest a name - maybe, however I would be more likely to name the baby after the special person in my own way (using their name as a middle name, etc.)

  19. I would allow a sibling to do it, but I would definately retain the right to veto the name if I don't like it!!

  20. Probably not. I'm happy to have suggestions but, final say comes down to me and the bloke.

    Edit - I do know a woman who let her four year old name her sister, the baby was named after a cartoon character. Not that the parents did much better with the older child's name.

  21. no

  22. i definately wouldnt. i mean i would ask for opinions and any ideas they have about names but at the end of the day my husband and i are picking the name. i wouldnt be able to stand telling my sister or mom they can pick the name and have it be something god awful or just something i dont like.

  23. Nope, I may listen to what people think are pretty names, but I'm not willing to give that up. That's something that's between my husband and I.

    But then people give their kids these silly names and at those moments I wish someone else would have named their kids. For example my sister in law named her son Courtland Knight.  

  24. Ha ha! i agree with you 100%

    I don't know how or why people do it

    When my mother was pregnant I mentioned the name Jacob, she waved it off and said it was plain.

    4 months later I have a baby brother " JACOB"

    She refuses to admit to this day, that I told her the name Jacob.




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