
Would You Name Your four kids...?

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This woman that I came across has four kids. We just talked for a little. Well she names her kids;



Nicky and


She wants to have one more. She planning on naming the baby Taylor.

Would you do that. I mean I like the names, just they are ALL unisex names! I wouldn't name all of my kids like that?

I don't know but that's just me. I didn't say any of this to her. I would never do that! But I just wanted to know if you would ever name your kids this?




  1. They seem very bland to me, not something I'd choose, but at least it's not "Ayden, Jayden, Cayden and Brayden," or other such atrocities.

    Unisex names can be cute, but people are taking it way too far and using the WRONG names as unisex.

    If it's a name that conceivably can be unisex in the context of its meaning and culture (which all of her's can), then it's fine.

    But when you start calling girls Jameson (James' son) or Devereux, or boys Brenda or Cassie, then you've got a problem.

    Anyway - they seem fine, if not very creative.

  2. I actually think it's cute. When you first started listing the names, I didn't even realize they were unisex. I thought they were names from the show Full House. Uncle Jesse, and his twin boys, Nicky and Alex.  

  3. Just to add more to that convo I wouldv'e asked why.

    All of those names are not bad at all.

    I have my select and unique names to give when I do have kids.  They may one day become unisex.-D

  4. Well I had 4 sons and finally had a daughter...named her Tayler.

    I didn't realize that it was that big a deal until my mom brought it up. Tayler was the name of a really popular singer I liked. I think giving a girl a more masculine name is ok. It'll help with stereotypes when she is grown.

    As far as boy names, I think you should always think about the fact that these little people will one day grow up to be an stay away form difficult or silly names. Like sure to name him Timothy so he has options...

  5. I thnk they are all ok..I really like Jamie tho!!

  6. my four kids names are





    like them???

  7. They are all nice normal names, it could be worse...much worse

  8. They're OK.  At least they're pronounceable!!

  9. They're ok names. All normal, which is more than a lot of people that ask questions on here can say. And I think it's better for all of them to be unisex rather than say, have one girl with an unisex name and another with a super girly name. Do you now which ones are girls and which ones are boys? I see Nicky and Jamie as girls and Alex and Jesse as boys.  

  10. I didn't really notice that they were all unisex until you said something.  Maybe I'm just tired, or it's just not that obvious?

    I personally, though, like keeping it masculine or feminine for my boys or girls.  As for this mom, maybe it she wanted to have one name certain before they were born (i.e. Nicholas or Nichole...)?

  11. They sound like fine names to fact the only thing i see wrong is that Nicky, Alex and Jesse are all names from the tv show Full House.

    my name is Alexis, and i have contemplated changing my name to Alex officially...even though it is unisex.

  12. the names are nice but 1st, ive never been fond of unisex names and 2nd i don't like it when siblings have a theme, me and my sisters names begin with a K and i know a few other family's that do this theme to, its not my thing i like to be individual.

  13. I like unisex names for kids but they need to go along with a feminine or masculine middle name depending on their gender. i.e. Taylor Camilla, Alex Micheal

  14. how about for the last bobbiann if a girl is a boy bobby  


    its not something i would do but beats the c**p out of neveah or jayden or caden or braden or ava or grace or mykayla or meckenzie or naming a girl james or parker or a boy cher or maggie!!!!!

    keep it real good luck!

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