
Would You Rather Have A Big Bum OR Big b*****s..?

by  |  earlier

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I have both but if I had to choose..I would choose to have a huge, bouncy doubt..! x x




  1. big b***s, sadly neither is the case

  2. I've got both too.  

    If I had a choice, I'd say I'd rather have big jugs than a big butt.

  3. i would rather a woman with big b*****s

  4. b*****s, they're big but i'd like them bigger lol

    And my bums kinda flat =/


  5. Big breast its easyer to get rid of them.

  6. big b*****s

  7. b*****s :-)

  8. Breast

  9. Big bum!

  10. I have big breast anyway! I would hate to have a massive i would say breast!

  11. big b***s  

  12. Well at the mo ive got small b***s and a big bum so i would go for the other way round; a normal bum and big boobies

  13. Hard choice, but I think I would opt for a bouncy bum as well.  

  14. I have big b*****s, but would love to have a big bum to balance it all out. It's okay, but I want a gigantic, double-take bum.

  15. big b*****s..

  16. id prefer to have big b*****s personally...luckily i do anyway. im not to fond of my bum..but  dont think its huge..or at least i hope not haha.  

  17. Why "or"?

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  18. Big boobies.

    It's easier to have a breast reduction than a bum reduction.

  19. b***s


  20. I'd choose the b***s.

    If I had a big butt, people might call me fat.

    With b***s it's different because women in general have those.


  21. Big b***s.*

  22. big b***s i have them anyway lol

  23. 1) Big Bum, like what you chose

    2) Big heart

    3) Big eyes

    4) Big earrings

    5) Big, big, bigger dreams


  24. id personally rather a toned but curvy bum and normal to big boobies

  25. i am sure i can something inappropriate here, but i am being good today....

  26. ive got both i guess we are the ones that are lucky lol. but i would have to say that i would rather have big b***s.  

  27. I really don't know! I suppose b*****s... or bum. ARGH HARD QUESTION!


  28. I have the b***s, but my butt is almost nonexistent. I want one that you could balance a dinner plate on.

  29. I'm a guy so neither,  but as for a woman, I rater her have a nice round bouncy bum.  

  30. My bum supports me when I sit  but my b*****s have let me down

    since they hurt my shoulders , back & sag as I get older,lol

    So I say a big bum would give me better support when I sit !


  31. b***s (:

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