
Would You Reaffirm Your Allegiance?

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The following article appeared in The Post as an anonymous letter to the editor on July 4, 1976.


What am I?

I am a free man -- a good and decent man -- a man of compassion, generosity, and understanding -- a true friend, a steadfast ally, and a bitter foe.

I owe my allegiance to a government founded in the belief that among the rights of man are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Indeed, I would acknowledge no other. I can redress my government for injury; not satisfied with redress, I can elect a new one. I have watched my government function smoothly during periods of transfer of power caused by re-election, assassination, and resignation.

While other nations have a distinct race, religion, and/or geographic denominator, I live among people of my home without fear of intrusion by anyone -- citizen or government designee -- unless they have my personal invitation or a duly authorized search warrant.

I have a press to keep me informed -- a press free to write, without inhibition, the truth as they see it. A press that needs fear no repression, no retaliation, no censorship so long as it prints the truth.

I live under a system of justice, merciful and fairly administered, where I am assumed innocent until proven guilty -- a system which provides me appellate privilege while denying it to the power of the state.

I am free to go anywhere I want, earn my living in any way that suits me and, based on that freedom, I have created a standard of living unequalled in the history of man and envied the world over.

I have suffered in humility at the consequences of my mistakes -- economic deprivation, social injustice, unequal opportunity and racial prejudice to name a few -- but, once aware of these mistakes, I have set out to right the wrongs they created.

I have faced challenges to my way of life. I have fought and died countless times from Lexington and Concord to Vietnam. I was humbled at Valley Forge, Pearl Harbor, Corregidor and Malmady. But these experiences gave me the character I needed to go to Yorktown, Gettysburg, Midway and Normandy. I cherish my freedom above all else -- I bow to no tyrant.

I am two hundred years old today. I have never been so proud of my ancient heritage, so grateful for my present situation, and so confident of the future. Today, I reaffirm my allegiance to, faith in, and love of my country. To the proposition that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth, I do humbly pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor.

I am an American.




  1. Thanks for posting this, it is beautifully written

  2. I pledge my allegiance to the United States Constitution to defend it against all foe's foreign and domestic . I swear to God . Ex Vietnam Vet.

  3. US combat vet....paid my dues and very comfortable with my patriotism

  4. Its an essay documenting American Pride. I see nothing wrong with this, but I am a Conservative. Most liberals would say something in regards to how we're no different than anybody else.

    If you do love your country, or have served in the armed forces, then you don't need to reaffirm your allegiance. However if you want to show off your RED WHITE AND BLUE SPIRIT, then reaffirm it everyday by saying the pledge of allegiance, bragging about your country, and proudly waving the flag without fear of what some would tell you.

    We do live in a great country, but our politicans don't always show this.

  5. Well all I can say is that was a beautiful peace. And most importantly GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  6. I certainly would!  I do it everyday thanking God for the precious privilege for living in this country in spite of those who want to attack it and CHANGE it's constitution and principles  for which it has stood since it's founding.  Thank you for the question!  Happy and blessed 4th!

  7. Typical patriotic BS.

    Each of these things can be said for many countries. Citizens in almost any Western democracy have the very same rights.

    There is nothing special about America, despite what politicians tell you. Except maybe the astonishingly high crime rates or the fact that America imprisons more of it's population than any other country in the world - or maybe even the fact that it has the strictest censors in the Western world.

    I bet the guy wasn't standing in the middle of a ghetto when he made this c**p up.

  8. Absolutely -- if we're such a terrible country and things are so horrible here, why are thousands of people still climbing the fences down in Texas trying to sneak in?

  9. Contray to AL America is a very special place and I will pledge my life to her.

  10. Yes, I am an American.

    A vet with 9 years of service: 6 USCG, 3 NMANG (Desert Shield, Desert Storm)

    Civil Air Patrol 5 years as a Cadet, 4 years Senior member.

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